I actually use RT's #include function which is very handy but I usually have
most of my library files containing /library functions based on a particular
category of winapi functions.  For example, I have a whole bunch of winapi
functions for handling windows and handles to windows etc..  Then I have a
library called process.r which handles process functions so that I can easy
reference the functions within them.  Everyone will do what that wish but I
do find it easier to include them in separate files and then just reuse then
when you need a set of functions.

Paul Tretter

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gregg Irwin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Bruno G. Albuquerque" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 10:30 AM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: Source code modules.

> It's not hard to write a "loader" that brings all your modules in and
> binds them to a context (I called mine 'lib), and if each module keeps
> everything in *its* own context, you end up with an nice hierarchical
> library structure. I can post mine if you want.
> Other people (e.g. Ladislav) have nice INCLUDE functions, and of
> course there's PREBOL from RT.
> -- Gregg
> -- 
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