Hi Gregg,

> I know I have other things to be doing :), but this kept coming up in my
> mind...wondering if doing binary math on bitsets would work.

I considered series! (or actually, block!). Bitset! is interesting as 
well. What did I do so far:

result: copy []
parse enbase/base checksum/secure mold now/precise 2 [ any [ "1" (append 
result 1) | "0" (append result 0)]]

This makes for easy computation with a for loop counting backwards (or 
doing it big-endian and going forward after reversing). As my problem 
only needs to initialize once the parse is OK.

Now, back to a binary is also easy:

debase/base rejoin result 16

Funny: > < and maximum-of and minimum-of work on binaries! So comparison 
is easy (it's also an important part of what I need).

> The following is very much a proof-of-concept, but it might be an idea
> worth pursuing.


Now.... why do I want to do all this?


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