I experimented with wait / nowait - it is not a 
It seems for me that reason is platform dependent or 
mail server dependent.
The example I decribed in previous mesage I got on an 
very old PC with Win95 4.00.950 B (processor 175 mhz) 
;-) with MSIE 4.0 and freeware servers: web - Abyss 
and mail - Hamster.
Finaly I tested that script on brand new PC with 
Win2000pro and ISP mail server - all was running well 
- as I expected.
At last I tested it on that old PC with my ISP 
mailserver and I got many blue screens, and finaly 
result that was the same like on the new PC. But 
after a few keypreses Win95 finaly dies.

It looks like that I shoul upgrade my study PC to 
continue time effective Rebol studies.


On 5 Apr 2004 at 23:06, Anton Rolls wrote:

I think don't use /no-wait.
(You also might not need to use wait myPop, then ...)
Just a quick suggestion.
The difference between console typing session and
script is: the script doesn't pause in between...


> newbie q:
> why there is differencies
> f.ex. script:
> [
> REBOL [Title: "CGI Test Script"]
>     print "Content-Type: text/plain"
>     print ""  ; required
>     print "<html>"
>     print "<head>"
>     print "<title>Rebol script test</title>"
>     print "</head>"
>     print "<body>"
>     print "<h1>Hello!</h1>"
>     checkPop: func [user-name passe pop-server port-
> number] [
>         myCommands: ["user admin" "pass qwerty" "list"]
>       myPop: open/lines/no-wait [
>               scheme: 'tcp
>               host: pop-server
>               port-id: port-number
>       ]
>         wait myPop
>         response: copy myPop
>         probe response
>         print "<br>"
>         foreach myCom myCommands [
>             print join "<br>>" myCom
>             print "<br>"
>             insert myPop myCom
>             wait myPop
>             response: copy myPop
>             probe response
>         ]
> ;     print "<pre>"
>           print "</table>"
>       print "<pre>quit"
>       insert myPop "quit"
>       wait myPop
>       probe copy myPop
>         print "</pre>"
>       close myPop
>     ]
>     checkPop "admin" "qwerty" "localhost" 110
>     print "</body>"
>     print "</html>"
> ]
> Produces following output with do:
> Content-Type: text/plain
> <html>
> <head>
> <title>Rebol script test</title>
> </head>
> <body>
> <h1>Hello!</h1>
> [{+OK Hamster-POP3, Hamster-Classic Vr. 1.3 (Build 
> ot-set.he374c91d.invalid>}]
> <br>
> <br>>user admin
> <br>
> ["+OK More authentication information required"]
> <br>>pass qwerty
> <br>
> ["+OK mailbox locked, 3 messages"]
> <br>>list
> <br>
> ["+OK 3 messages"]
> </table>
> <pre>quit
> ["1 411" "2 405" "3 405" "." "+OK closing connection - 
> goodbye!"]
> </pre>
> </body>
> </html>
> After command quit I am getting just part of response 
> while when I am doing the same by typing in console I am 
> geting full response after comand, that gives multiline 
> response:
> >> myPop: open/lines/no-wait tcp://localhost:110
> >> a: copy myPop
> == [{+OK Hamster-POP3, Hamster-Classic Vr. 1.3 (Build 
> N-not-set.hf8a3c319.invalid>}]
> >> probe a
> [{+OK Hamster-POP3, Hamster-Classic Vr. 1.3 (Build 
> ot-set.hf8a3c319.invalid>}]
> == [{+OK Hamster-POP3, Hamster-Classic Vr. 1.3 (Build 
> N-not-set.hf8a3c319.invalid>}]
> >> insert myPop "user admin"
> >> a: copy myPop
> == ["+OK More authentication information required"]
> >> insert myPop "pass qwerty"
> >> a: copy myPop
> == ["+OK mailbox locked, 3 messages"]
> >> insert myPop "list"
> >> a: copy myPop
> == ["+OK 3 messages" "1 411" "2 405" "3 405" "."]
> >> insert myPop "quit"
> >> close myPop
> >>
> Interesting also is that throught cgi the last response 
> differs from that I got from running that script in console:
> <pre>quit
> ["1 411" "2 405" "3 405" "."]
> </pre>
> </body>
> </html>
> Thanks in advance,
> Janeks

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