Of course, one has to be careful that the result of the
expression following this "magical" function does not
get eaten up by mistake. In this case, you should wrap
in parens. Example (imagine in a script):

        (f 1)

        ; now let's do some real work
        ; lots of comments...

        probe my-var

The value of my-var will not be passed as the second
argument of f, because we remembered the parens.
Aren't we lucky?

Because of problems like these, I decided to avoid
using optional arguments in general. I use it in
one or two command-line functions, but these I never
use in scripts.

I think if you want to play the language game,
go the parse way.


> On Tue, 6 Apr 2004 08:12:01 +0200, Coussement Christophe
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I once use this little trick for handling a variable number of argument:
> >
> > f: func [a [integer!] b [unset! integer!]][either value? 'b [a + b][a]]
> Hi, clever! This is a very cool trick... I hope I remember it. Robert

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