Hi Ashley,

On Wednesday, April 21, 2004, 4:07:28 PM, you wrote:

>>> b: 'a
AT> == a
>>> do has [a][set 'a 0]
AT> == 0
>>> a
AT> ** Script Error: a has no value
AT> ** Near: a
>>> do has [a][do compose/deep [set [(b)] 0]]
AT> == 0
>>> a
AT> == 0

AT> How can I prevent 'compose from binding to the global context?

The binding of the body of a function is done at function creation
time.  Also,  COMPOSE just replaces the paren with its value after
evaluation,  so in this case it just places the word A in place of
the  paren  there;  that  word!  value  happens to be bound to the
global context.

So  you  can  either  set B to a word that is already bound to the
context you want, like in:

>> do has [a][b: 'a do compose/deep [set [(b)] 0]]

or you can bind the entire block returned by COMPOSE to your local

>> do has [a][do bind compose/deep [set [(b)] 0] 'a]

Gabriele Santilli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  --  REBOL Programmer
Amiga Group Italia sez. L'Aquila  ---   SOON: http://www.rebol.it/

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