Hi Christophe,

CC> 'bind could perhaps solve a context problem I'm facing.
CC> Could anyone give me some example of use of 'bind and 'bind/copy,
CC> and the reason to use this solution ? 

I'll just add to Volker's reply a bit.

One of the places I've found BIND to be most useful is with dialects.
For example, in the dialect I may parse the data and create an object
(context) from it. If some of the things I process are blocks --
blocks that are evaluated as actions later, in the object -- BIND lets
you "attach" them to the object you created dynamically, so they can
be executed in the correct context.

It's also very useful when you want to dynamically load code.

Binding is very important when you think about REBOL as a messaging
language, because messages may come from anywhere, and go anywhere,
and need to be processed in the proper context no matter where they

-- Gregg                         

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