
            I have many questions about Rebol on different Microsoft


1)       Has anyone run Rebol on Microsoft Windows Tablet Edition and
Windows Media Center Edition ? Are there any problems ?

2)       Is there a planned version of Rebol/View(Pro?) for the Windows CE
(Pocket PC 2002/2003) platform ? It would be really much appreciated for
building mobile solutions.

3)       Is the a way to create an .exe file of a Rebol/core script for
Windows CE ?

4)       .NET applications are translated into a language which is compiled
and run on the fly by the JIT engine for the local processor. Do you think
that a .NET Rebol would be possible ? It would enlarge the hardware base to
all the platforms which run a .NET framework or are .NET native (like
Windows CE .NET) !



Thank you for your opinions.


Giuseppe Chillemi



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