With the following code fragment, I realise I can access the array
containing the term values using the notation $item[2] as shown below:

SimpleExpression : term (AddOperator )(s?)
        my $SimpleExpressionArray = $item[2];
        my @SimpleExpression =  @$SimpleExpressionArray;

However, if I have repetition of multiple statements  such as (AddOperator
term )(s?) as show below. How can I access both the AddOperator values,
and the term values. If I access $item[2] as in the above example, it only
contains the term rule values and the AddOperator values apear to be lost.

SimpleExpression : term (AddOperator term )(s?)

I apologise if I have not included enough detail, I have tried to be
direct and to the point. Please let me know if you require more detail.

Paul Kennerley

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