Denver Omelet
(2 servings)     Printable Version
4 large eggs 
1 cup onion - chopped 
1/2 cup red bell peppers - chopped 
1/2 cup green bell peppers - chopped 
1/2 cup cooked ham - diced 
8 slices cooked bacon - drained and crumbled 
2 Tablepoons butter 
1/2 teaspoon salt 
1/2 teaspoon pepper 
a couple drops drops of your favorite hot sauce (optional) 
Melt butter in a large skillet or on a griddle.
Saute onion, bell pepper, ham and bacon in the butter until the onion
starts to become opaque. 
In a small bowl, whip the eggs lightly. Add salt and pepper and hot
sauce if desired. 
Slowly, stir the eggs into mixture in skillet. Lightly brown on one
side. Turn over and lightly brown other side.
You can omit the bacon for a more traditional Denver Omelet... but I
like mine kinda meaty (sometimes I even add a slice of American cheese)

For what is it to die, but to stand in the sun and melt into the wind? 
Kahlil Gibran

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