When it rains its pours....thank God no one died....Hope they all recover well.
take care

----- Original Message ----
To: JK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; recipesandmore@googlegroups.com; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2007 7:45:53 PM
Subject: [RecipesAndMore] Note From Janet

Hi ya'll,,,,
  Last night about 5 or so,, Bryce and 2 of his friends were in a car wreck. 
They were going to Ames and Jake the driver was coming up to a stop sign out on 
17 and 22nd (outside of Boone) his brakes would not work, but I think they were 
on ice, but Jake told the boys brace yourselves the brakes just gave out!! 
Bryce was in the back seat (wearing his seatbelt too!) he was behind Jake. 
Bryce said he looked to the passenger side and saw an Explorer coming right at 
them.They went thru the intersection. Bryce said he grabbed the back of Jakes 
seat and held on for dear life and closed his eyes! They were hit hard on the 
passenger side where Tony was seating up front. Bryce said the impact was hard 
and he felt the car bout flip on its side,then it bounced back down. Bryce was 
pinned but not hurt, he hurt his right knee properly from the center console, 
(opposite knee from his Wrestling knee injury) Jake must of hit the window 
pretty hard. Bryce said they kept asking him questions
 and he was not able to answer them all. Tony was knocked out and pinned in 
pretty bad, Bryce kept talking to him till the ambulance and police got 
there.Bryce said he would moan then got back out again. They had to remove the 
top of the car (it WAS a Grand AM.) to get Tony out and had to life flight him 
to DSM. I was on my way to the scene but the cop told Bryce to tell me not to 
come, they had the whole intersection closed off,and that they would bring 
Bryce home after they were done. It was almost 9PM when they finally got him to 
me!!! I was a wreck waiting but I kept calling to make sure he was ok. The 
paramedic called to verify if it was ok if Bryce didn't go to the hospital, 
Bryce had declined to go cause he did feel ok. I told them that was fine, I'd 
take him if needed later. Tony came home before midnight, after some stitches, 
bumps and bruises he is ok, but doesn't remember what happen. The other people 
in the explorer where ok as well, they were from Ames not
 Boone. Also Bryce said after the one ambulance left with Jake in it, there was 
one that was leaving empty, it ended up in the ditch as well!! The roads were 
really slick last night, I headed into town, cause the cop was gonna bring 
Bryce to grandma Dee's. I bout put the Jeep in the ditch, hit the ice and bout 
lost it. But Tony is home and fine Bryce is fine as well, but not heard 
anything yet on Jake yet, I'm sure he is back home and ok too. Just scared the 
pissed out of all of us!
 AND THEN of all things I did! I had a pot of water going on the stove, to put 
moisture in the air,, so dry here in the house. Anyway I left here and forgot 
to shut it off. I came home course it was after 9 and it had burnt dry and 
CRACKED my stovetop right over the burner. The burner still works, but the 
glass has a crack about 10 inches long across the burner!! I wanted to kick 
myself. Don't know if it can be fixed or not,, Tim is gonna call his glass 
friend and check, but I doubt it can be fixed! So anyone with the smooth stove 
top,, NEVER let anything burn dry on it! Just checked on a replacement top,, 
More than what the stove cost!!! 600 bucks!!!
                   HUGS JANET

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