Short Ribs braised in Red Wine

4-6 beef short ribs
1/2 bottle red wine
2 medium carrots
1 medium parsnip
1 small turnip
3 small celery stalks (from the heart, with greens if possible)
1 medium onion and/or white portion of one medium leek
2-3 medium cloves garlic
1 bay leaf
1 bunch parsley
1 sprig fresh thyme (or 1/4 tsp. dried)
4-6 black peppercorns
2-3 whole cloves
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. ground black pepper
3 tbsp. clarified butter, or 2 tbsp. whole butter with 2 tbsp
olive oil

Wash, peel, and coarsely chop the vegetables.

Sift together the flour, salt, and pepper, and dredge the short
ribs. Place a pot just large enough to hold all the short ribs
in one layer over high heat. Add the clarified butter, and when
almost smoking add the short ribs meat-side down. Sear to a dark
brown, then turn over. When dark brown on both sides, remove to
a plate and hold. In the same pan, saute the vegetables, adding
additional butter if necessary. Brown the vegetables slightly,
then remove the pan from the heat. Layer the short ribs over the
vegetables, add the herbs and spices, and pour in the red wine.
Cover and place in a 300-degree oven for 3-4 hours.

Remove the short ribs from the braising liquid and place in a
heavy-duty tupperware container. Strain the braising liquid and
vegetables through a fine-mesh strainer over the short ribs (do
not press the vegetables through), cover, and refrigerate
overnight. The next day, remove the fat that has separated to
the surface, reheat the short ribs slowly in the liquid (or
shred the meat and reheat in the liquid), then remove the meat
and reduce the braising liquid to 1/4 its original volume.
Serve with mashed potatoes and steamed green vegetables
(or, if you're in the mood, with mac-n-cheese).

Makes 2 servings

   "The happiest people don't have the best of everything.
They just make the best of everything."

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