Chicken n' Dumplings (Noodles)


10 cups chicken stock

6 chicken thighs

6 chicken legs

5 cups flour

3 tablespoons baking powder

1 teaspoon Kosher salt

1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

2 cups heavy cream

4 ribs celery, diced

1 large onion diced

6 large carrots, diced

6 sprigs fresh thyme

Salt and pepper to taste


Heat the stock in a large, heavy pot and cook thighs and legs

over medium-low heat for about 45 minutes to 1 hour, until very

tender. Remove from heat and allow to cool, reserving stock in

its pot. Remove chicken and discard skin. Pick chicken from the

bones and set meat aside.


To make dumplings, combine flour, baking powder, salt and pepper

in a large mixing bowl and mix well. Add heavy cream to mixture,

stirring just until dough is thick and sticky. Turn onto a

floured work surface and knead dough until you can roll it out

to a thickness of 1/16th inch.


Add the celery, onion, carrots, and thyme to stock and reheat

over medium heat just until boiling. Cut dough into dumplings

that measure 1- by 1-inch. Add dumplings to boiling stock,

cover, simmer, cooking for about 20 minutes. Add chicken meat

and salt and pepper to taste. Serve hot.


Makes six to eight servings.


   "The happiest people don't have the best of everything.
They just make the best of everything."

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