1 (3 Pound) Chicken

2 Quarts


1 Teaspoon Salt

1/4 Teaspoon Pepper

1 Large Onion, Chopped

2 Ribs Celery, Chopped


In a Dutch oven, place cut up chicken, water, salt, pepper,

onion and celery.  Simmer until chicken is tender.  Remove

chicken, cool, remove meat from bones and cut into pieces.

Set aside.




1-1/2 Cups Flour

1 Egg

1 Egg White

1 Tablespoon Oil

1/2 Teaspoon Salt

A Few Drops of Water


Break egg in cup like well in mound of flour.  Add egg white,

oil and salt.  Fill well with flour pushed in from edge of

mound.  Knead and add drops of water as needed.  Knead for

about 10 minutes.  The dough becomes smooth, shiny and elastic.

Divide into two parts.  Dust parts with flour and roll out

about 1/16" thick.  Roll up and slice as wide as you want your

dumplings.  When ready to cook, unroll and drop into boiling

chicken broth that remained in the pot after cooking the

chicken.  Turn heat to low and cook 10 to 20 (depends on the

thickness of the dumplings) minutes or until dumplings are

tender.  Stir gently and return chicken to pot and heat.

When we are grateful for the good we already have,
we attract more good into our life.
On the other hand, when we are ungrateful, we tend to shut ourselves off from 
the good we might otherwise experience.
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