Red Cherry Bars

Yield: 12 Bars
1/2 c Butter
2 ts Powdered Sugar
1 1/4 c Flour
1/4 ts Salt
1/2 ts Baking Powder
1 c Sugar
9 oz Bottle Maraschino Cherries; chopped
2 Eggs; well beaten
1 ts Vanilla
Cream butter, powdered sugar & 1 cup flour & pat into the bottom of an 8 x 8 
Bake at 350 F until brown, 10 to 15 minutes.
Remove from oven.
Sift remaining 1/4 cup flour, salt & baking powder.
In separate bowl, mix sugar, cherries, eggs, vanilla &
add to sifted flour mixture.
Spread on top of baked bar layer in pan &
return to oven until done, about 25 minutes.
Insert wood pick to test for doneness.
If it comes out clean, top is done. Let cool, then cut into bars.

lr smiles
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