Starbucks Frappuccino


"This is a recipe for Starbuck's 'Lowfat Creamy Blend of Coffee & Milk' that

"This is a recipe for Starbuck's 'Lowfat Creamy Blend of Coffee & Milk' that

you can now find in the tiny 9 1/2-ounce bottles in most stores. Those


bottles will probably cost a few dollars, but this version costs a mere

fraction of that. The recipe calls for Pectin, which is a natural thickener


in fruits that is used for canning. You can find it in the supermarket near

the canning supplies. It is used in this recipe to make the drink thicker


does not add to the flavor. It can be admitted if you don't mind having a

slightly different texture."


1/2 cup fresh espresso

2 1/2 cups 2 percent milk

1/4 cup granulated sugar

1 tablespoon dry pectin

1. Measure out each ingredient into any small sealable container. A small

plastic beverage bottle works great.

2. To mix the drink, close the bottle or container tightly. Then shake the

drink several times, quickly and vigorously. Once the drink is thoroughly


place the bottle or container in the refrigerator, and chill until it is

cold. Makes 1 24-ounce drink.

Variation: To make the "Mocha" variety, add a pinch (1/16 teaspoon) of cocoa

powder to the mixture before combining.


~To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.

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