Little Artichokes

    by Mark Bittman


  A lesson I learned this spring: if you have artichokes in your

 kitchen, you will find new ways to cook them.


  While traveling throughout Western Europe intermittently since

 February, I saw them eaten raw, braised, sauteed and fried, served

 solo or with lamb, shrimp, octopus or pasta. And I internalized, as I

 never had before, that artichokes are not a precious ingredient but a

 regular vegetable and can be treated as such.


  In a way they remind me of lobster: they're so great steamed, with

 lemon or butter, that you forget that it's easy enough to take them

 a step or two further.


  On my extended periods at home, I bought artichokes whenever I saw

 decent ones. It didn't hurt that they don't seem too expensive this



  I began not only duplicating beloved recipes from past years, a

 seasonal ritual with many of my favorite ingredients, but also

 improvising with them.


  The best consequence of all that was this quick saute, in which as I

 was trimming my artichokes I began piling them, cut side down, into a

 pan filmed with hot oil.


  (I'm not a big fan of soaking artichokes in acidulated water to keep

 them green, for three reasons: one, it's a hassle; two, it doesn't

 work that well unless you make the water so acidic that it changes

 the taste; and three, I don't mind olive-green artichokes.)


  With them, I cooked garlic, tomatoes and olives - I used oil-cured,

 but any good olives will do. It's a simple and obvious enough

 combination, but a fabulous one as well.


  The dish is a bit easier when made with little artichokes (or baby

 ones; they're not exactly the same), whose chokes are either

 nonexistent or small enough to ignore, and which can therefore be

 prepped a little bit faster than their larger cousins.


  You can deal with them at the rate of about one per minute, so a

 dozen or so doesn't take much more than 10 minutes. (Details for

 trimming are in the recipe below.)


  But if you can't find the little ones, trimming the big ones (cut

 them in half lengthwise to remove the choke) doesn't require much

 more time.


  Little Artichokes, Provencal Style


    1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil

    4 cloves garlic, crushed, then peeled

    Fresh thyme or rosemary, optional

    1/2 cup flavorful black olives, pitted


    12 little (or baby) artichokes

    1 pint grape tomatoes, halved or left whole, or about

      1 1/2 cups any other tomatoes, chopped

    Chopped fresh parsley leaves for garnish


 1. Combine oil and garlic in a large skillet (cast iron is good),

    over low heat. When garlic sizzles, add herb, olives and a pinch

    of salt.


 2. Meanwhile, one at a time, prepare artichokes: remove hard leaves,

    then cut off spiky end, about an inch down from top; trim bottoms,

    cut artichokes in half, and add them to pan as they are ready, cut

    side down. When about half of them are in pan, raise heat so they

    brown a bit; move them around as you add remaining artichokes so

    that they brown evenly.


 3. When artichokes brown, add tomatoes and a splash of water. Cook

    until chokes are tender, 10 to 20 minutes. Add water if needed.

    Adjust seasoning, garnish and serve hot or at room temperature.

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