Coffee Soufflé


"moresoulful recepies"


1 1/2 C. brewed coffee

1/2 C. milk

1/2 C. white sugar, divided

1/4 tsp. salt, divided

1 envelope (1 Tbs.) unflavored gelatin

3 eggs, separated

1/2 tsp. vanilla extract



In the top of a double boiler over simmering water, combine

coffee, milk, half the sugar, half the salt and gelatin. Stir

until solids are dissolved. Stir in remaining sugar and salt and

the egg yolks. Cook and stir until thick and creamy, and mixture

coats the back of a metal spoon. Remove from heat. Whip the egg

whites (with a pinch of salt, if desired) until stiff peaks form.

Fold egg whites and vanilla into slightly cooled custard. Pour

into a serving dish or mold and chill until set.


Yield: 10 Servings.

'The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God  will not keep you

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