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 Yuh gotta be really dumb not to read the TIGER ALERT

    Sport's Numero Uno Spiritually Correct Email magazine

                   Tiger Alert : Arming the People

   Edited in London by Olive North and Little Red Riding Hood


Boycott Burma?

What a great idea.!! All power to you my friend.

I am sorry that I cannot be with you in London
(at the Australian High Commission) on the 27th 
(of May), as i will be traveling.

My thoughts and good wishes go with you all.

See you on Monday at the House.

John Pilger


"The Crawl".           The apologists..

Edward Heath (a sailor who once said that he did not like those 
who play golf.) (the man must be insane.) And John Major, (often 
seen with the cricket bat in hand or on a seat at Lords.). The two 
more pro Euro englishmentarians who first brought the 
EuroMarketCom, and later Santer, into British  life.  

Both crawled before parliament this week.

Heath is the PM,  classical musician / conducter, who in 1972,
without the introduction of protection for the creative musicians 
of the UK, and with a union already selling out the democratic 
process for "something more cadre worthwhile", sold the  exclusive marketing
arrangement between the US and the UK  down the river. 

And as far as good music is concerned, a cultural sanctity based 
upon a sharing of language, depth of linear history , progression 
and the frontiers of rhythm, to an end  

Now North America copies such music as sold by Bertlesmann 
Publishing,  BMG of Germany, a publishing company accused of 
having links with the 3rd Reich.


Impressive..........       the tender touch.. 
That controversial album ?

*** ANC member Boesak guilty of fraud

CAPE TOWN, South Africa (AP) - One of the most visible figures of the
anti-apartheid struggle was convicted Wednesday of stealing money
from his charity, including donations from singer Paul Simon. Allan
Boesak was found guilty on four counts of fraud or theft totaling
$400,000 and acquitted on 23 other charges. He faces an unspecified
fine or jail term. Arguments in the sentencing phase of the trial
were set to begin Tuesday. "The accused willingly and unlawfully
appropriated the money," Judge John Foxcroft said in declaring Boesak
guilty of one count of fraud and one of theft in the Simon case.
After a South African concert tour in 1988, Simon donated the
equivalent of $200,000 to Boesak's foundation, but Boesak passed on
only $128,000, the judge said. Foxcroft ruled Boesak used the
remainder for his own purposes. 


SNIP             ""Palmer retained his immense popularity even as his 
playing powers declined and in later years he turned his 
attention to course design with equal success. ""

Arnie was certainly flavour of the links with ex President Suharto..
Jeez, some people will work with any old tin pot military regime... 
(And, those nearly deaf folks at the Golf Channel...)


                           The sanction buster.

McCormack defends rankings at star-studded Bay Hill 

              ORLANDO, Florida, March 17  - Ten of the world's 
12 top-ranked golfers are contesting the Bay Hill Invitational 
starting on Thursday. 

              On Wednesday, Mark McCormack, founder of the 
controversial world rankings, rose to defend the statistical 

              The rankings, constantly attacked by many of the 
players since their inception in 1987, have taken on increasing 
importance over the past few years. 

              They are now used to help determine the fields in 
three of the four major championships, as well as two of the 
three new World Championships events. 

              Some players claim it is impossible to properly compare 
players on different tours around the world, while others have 
argued that the rankings are biased either for or against
various tours. 

              Most recently, numerous players have expressed 
disbelief that Tiger Woods remains number one ahead of David 
Duval, even though Duval has won far more tournaments over
the past 18 months. 

              McCormack, chief of the powerful International 
Management Group and chairman of the governing board of the 
rankings, (what a suprise?) has not been deaf to the criticism. 

              Indeed, the rankings have been tweaked over the years. 
For example, they are now calculated over two years, rather than 
the old three-year time span. 

              But there have been suggestions that the time frame 
should be reduced even further, to just one year, in which 
case Duval presently would be number one, rather than number
On this issue, McCormack could not disagree more. "Had there not 
been a two-year ranking, Greg Norman (out injured for seven months 
last year) would not have qualified for the 1999 Masters," said 

              "I think there is nobody that would say that Greg Norman 
isn't among the top 50 players in the world today, and if we had a 
one-year system, he wouldn't be there. 

              McCormack was speaking at the announcement that a 
trophy in his name would bepresented to the player who held the 
number one spot for the longest period each year. 

              Woods was presented the inaugural award for 1998, 
and he said: "We all have our own little egos and it is neat to be able 
to compare ourselves with players we don't get to see everyday." 

              U.S. PGA Tour commissioner Tim Finchem, who was at
the press conference, indicated he was happy with the rankings: 
"The rankings are a very sound structure, basically, to
measure players from around the world." 

              It was only a few years ago that the PGA Tour officially 
endorsed the rankings, so Finchem has little choice but to publicly 
support them these days. 

              Even so, many PGA Tour players have little respect for the
rankings, believing that they do not adequately reflect the strength 
of the U.S. PGA Tour. 


                    THE OLYMPICS

"We can have the normal one, presumeably with Nike 
and Murdoch and McCormack in tow. 

"And the Drug Barons can have theirs. With their runners 
stopping halfway around the track to take a quick fix."  

This is peoples war on drugs, This war does Not Belong to the 

And when not back home in Aus?

               MONDAY AT THE HOUSE.

The Aboriginal Support Group
The launch, on March 22 at 4.00pm in a Committee 
Room at the House of Commons, Westminster;

After the launch you are cordially invited to a Candle 
Light Vigil 6.30pm outside Australia House, The Strand, 
London, WC2B 4LA - 


Right, that's it.  Have a nice weekend. I'm off Stockley Parking 
in the wonderful Britsh climate. Sun tan lotion at the ready.

Global warming? What's that? Anyone ever read the "Black 
Cloud" by Prof Fred Hoyle (of Ox or Cambridge?) An early 
(late 50s) Si-Fi novel, it predicted all this mild effect. It would 
depress you to read the rest, but maybe worth it.


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