Fox News
Aborigines Not Recognized As First Australians
            12.12 a.m. ET (513 GMT) March 18, 1999

 CANBERRA — Australia's conservative government has not
 recognized Aborigines as the country's original custodians in its
 proposed new preamble to the constitution, according to a
 newspaper report Thursday.

 Aborigines had demanded recognition in the preamble of their
 occupation of Australia before white settlement, arguing it was
 necessary for racial reconciliation.

 The Australian newspaper said a draft of the new preamble
 included references to God and the contribution of Aborigines and
 immigrants, but it did not identify Aborigines as custodians of
 Australia before white settlement in 1788.

 A source close to the government confirmed that the national
 cabinet had approved a draft preamble, written by Prime Minister
 John Howard with help from poet Les Murray, and said the
 newspaper report of its contents was "more or less'' correct.

 Australians will vote on the proposed preamble during a referendum
 in November on whether Australia, now a constitutional monarchy,
 should cut its 210-year-old ties with Britain and become a republic.

 Proposals to alter the constitution usually fail at referendums, which
 need the support of a majority of voters nationwide and in at least
 four of the country's six states.

 The newspaper said the draft constitutional preamble tried to
 provide an "inspirational tone'' to the constitution and limit offence
 to as many groups as possible by recognizing contradictory

 "The final version of the preamble goes further, and with more text,
 than expected and places more emphasis on the future than the
 past,'' the Australian report said. The government planned to
 publicly release the final version next week, it said.

 Howard earmarked Aboriginal reconciliation as one of the main
 aims of his second term of government shortly after the
 Liberal-National coalition was re-elected on October 3 last year.

 But he has consistently refused to apologize for past atrocities, like
 the forced removal of Aboriginal children from their families during
 a decades-long assimilation policy, saying the government was not
 responsible for Australia's past.

 Opposition Labor leader Kim Beazley last week proposed a
 constitutional preamble which would recognize Aborigines as
 ''original occupants and custodians.''

 Aborigines in Australia date back some 40,000 years. Today,
 Australia's 386,000 Aborigines are the country's most disadvantaged
 group, with a life expectancy some 20 years less than the rest of the
 population of about 18 million people.

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