MP accused of apartheid over

KERRY O'BRIEN: It's almost a fortnight since
residents of Exmouth on Western Australia's
mid-north coast saw their town devastated by Cyclone

While Exmouth rebuilds, another coastal town just a
couple of hundred kilometres south is attempting a
'clean-up' of its own.

The town of Carnarvan is wracked by social problems -
not unusual for a remote community.

But the local Liberal MP's proposed solution has
indigenous leaders screaming apartheid.

Rod Sweetman wants segregated schools and housing
for so-called 'trouble makers', boot camps and adult
sentences for juvenile offenders, and food and clothing
vouchers instead of pension payments.

And his parliamentary petition has found support
around the town.

Michelle White compiled this report.

WOMAN SCREAMS: Shut the door!

Shut the door!


Friday nights, you get quite a few people walking up
and down the street and some juveniles, so there's been
a lot of disorderly conducts, or it could be drunkenness
- all those types of things.

POLICEMAN ON RADIO: Yeah, mate, I'm just around
the back at the moment.

MICHELLE WHITE: Carnarvon - 1,000km north of
Perth - shares the same social problems found in too
many remote country towns.

There's high unemployment, alcohol abuse, youths
roaming the streets and petty crime.

The problems are by no means exclusive to Carnarvon,
but here the local Member of Parliament is proposing a
hard-line remedy for the town's social ails.

ROD SWEETHAM: To some extent, people should
qualify to live in a place like Carnarvon, but we already
have an Aboriginal community in town and it's been in
place now for about 18 years and there have been times
when the activity out in that village has been probably
an insult to Soweto.

MICHELLE WHITE: Rod Sweetman is on a crusade to
clean up the streets of his home town.

He's drawn up a petition outlining a list of controversial
proposals to combat crime and, he says, restore
common decency.

Who in particular is responsible for this unruly,
antisocial behaviour in town?

ROD SWEETHAM: You're trying to get me to say
Aboriginals and I don't shirk that issue at all.

Primarily, this is an Aboriginal issue, an Aboriginal
problem that we've got in Carnarvon.

When you cast your eye down this street here, there's
an obvious problem that we've got over there.

Now, I don't think that's appropriate for a main street
of your town.

It's not much of an entry statement for your tourists
coming into town.

SANDY DAVIES: In my opinion, Rod Sweetman is
nothing but a dimwit.

MICHELLE WHITE: The petition has outraged
Aboriginal groups.

They've accused the Liberal member of Parliament of
peddling racist policies and inciting hatred.

SANDY DAVIES: You know, if I was the police
department, I would be having a long hard look at this
petition and then considering reading the riot act.

You know, perhaps Mr Sweetman - they might want to
consider Mr Sweetman to be charged under the Riot
Act for inciting a riot, because this petition certainly
has the potential to do that.

ROD SWEETHAM: If our prime problem happens to
be with some antisocial and delinquent Aboriginal
people, then I think we've got the right to say so.

MICHELLE WHITE: About 1,200 of the town's 6,500
residents have signed the petition.

It contains proposals such as boot camps for repeat
offenders and adult sentences for 14-year-old children.

ROD SWEETHAM: So I think by shifting or developing
a matrix to move offending - or punishments for
offending down from 18 to 14 - you will likely see a
dramatic downturn in the offending rate.

MICHELLE WHITE: But what's caused the most
concern is the plan to fast-track evictions for unruly
tenants in public housing and create segregated
housing for those deemed not fit to live in town.

What happens to those families, though?

Where do they go?

ROD SWEETHAM: Well, you could say why are we
overly consumed by that problem?

Because it's a problem of their own making.

DEEN POTTER: If Mr Sweetman wants to break cycles
- cycles of offending, cycles of substance abuse -
throwing people out on to the street and saying, "It's
your problem," really is not the solution.

DENNIS EGGINGTON: Certainly, I see it as being a
watered-down apartheid.

Not many people could argue against that.

MICHELLE WHITE: Mr Sweetman's petition has fired
up WA's Aboriginal Legal Service, particularly his
proposal to have families affected by alcohol paid in
food and clothing vouchers.

DENNIS EGGINGTON: That's the old native welfare

We've gone beyond that.

We're a people in our own right.

We're moving to become a republic in this country.

Aboriginal people are now talking about
self-governance and here's this guy talking about giving
us food vouchers.

What a clown!

MICHELLE WHITE: Carnarvon's Aboriginal leaders
don't deny there are social problems in the town.

PENNY WALKER: It is a problem on the streets and
things like that, but, you know, we're trying to cope
with it.

MICHELLE WHITE: These parents and grandparents
want to see a positive, united approach to tackling the
town's woes.

PENNY WALKER: We are not all the same.

We can overcome the problem if we get a chance to
come together.

MICHELLE WHITE: Rather than come together, Mr
Sweetman claims white families are being driven out of
town and those that remain are fed up.

KERRY THOR: With Rod Sweetman's petition - as far
as I'm concerned, it needs to be statewide, not just for
Carnarvon - statewide.

MICHELLE WHITE: Kerry and Ivan Thor have had
their shop and home broken into more than 10 times in
recent months.

IVAN THOR: I've been in Carnarvon for 30 years.

Yes, I've had enough.

MICHELLE WHITE: Local amusement parlour owner
John Troy agrees.

JOHN TROY: $201 worth of glass - I've been more or
less told you have to sing for your money.

MICHELLE WHITE: Does it make it hard to run a
business in town when you have these sorts of things

JOHN TROY: I think so, overall, yeah, yeah.

You know, it's just - it just makes life difficult for you.

MICHELLE WHITE: While many businesses have
embraced the petition, local police are a bit more wary.

comment on one section of that petition and that is that
the police would not like to see the Inebriates Act

We're adequately dealing with drunks at the moment in
town and I believe it is the correct way to go and that is
that we take them home.

DENNIS EGGINGTON: I don't know whether Mr
Sweetman is having trouble regaining his position there
and he needs to come out strong and show people that
he's worthy of being a leader in that community.

Unfortunately, he has taken the option that a lot of
people do which is to bash blacks.

ROD SWEETHAM: If I was just out there
'black-bashing', as he referred to it, which I find quite
offensive, you know, we would not be advocating
solutions to the problem as well.

Because if we were of that mind, then why do we need
to give a damn?

MICHELLE WHITE: Mr Sweetman has already had
success with one of his proposals.

The MP was behind a push for a separate school for a
group of Aboriginal students.

So again, you're talking about segregation?

ROD SWEETHAM: Yes, because they've shown that
they can't go - that they just don't mix, that they are not
suited to the institutional environment of a school.

JOHN GARNAUT: It is not a race issue.

Any educational program that we set up off-site will be
for any student in the school who misbehaves.

MICHELLE WHITE: While Mr Sweetman's petition has
whipped up a race debate in the north-west, Premier
Richard Court has come out and thrown his full
support behind the Liberal Member for Ningaloo.

RICHARD COURT: So before people become armchair
critics, I suggest, get up to Carnarvon, spend some time
with Rod, with the Aboriginal communities and then
come up with your positive suggestions as to how you
believe the problem should be addressed.

SANDY DAVIES: Well, I find that fairly hypocritical
from the Premier when you consider the high moral
ground that he took when the Federal elections were on
in terms of One Nation and One Nation policies.

MICHELLE WHITE: In the meantime, Mr Sweetman is
still collecting signatures and his controversial petition
will be tabled in Parliament after Easter.

ROD SWEETHAM: My argument is that you don't start
to fight the fire, you know, when it's finally got into the

You know, if you see it burning in a wastepaper basket,
go and put it out.

Now, I think that's what we're trying to do.

Before the house is totally enveloped in flames, let's try
and hose it down while we can still salvage something.

Premier backs Carnarvon MP
 Tuesday 6 April, 1999 (8:00am WST)

 Western Australian Premier Richard Court has given his
 full support to a Carnarvon MP who is proposing
 segregation and boot camps to cope with crime.

 The Member for Ningaloo, Rod Sweetman, has issued a
 petition to residents in Carnarvon, in Western Australia's
 north west, proposing boot camps for repeat offenders
 and segregated housing for people deemed not fit to live
 in town.

 The Aboriginal Legal Service says Mr Sweetman's ideas
 are a watered-down form of apartheid.

 Mr Court has told the ABC's 7:30 Report that people
 should not be armchair critics of the proposals.

 He says people should go and see Carnarvon for
 themselves and come up with their own suggestions on
 how the problems in the town should be addressed.

 A full transcript of the 7:30 Report story can be found at

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