It is better in parts but it is still an uncoordinated mish-mash in
my opinion. --- Trudy
The Sydney Morning Herald
Murray rewrites his preamble for the Constitution

Date: 10/04/99


Les Murray has rewritten the constitutional preamble, in the light of the public
reaction to the first version he produced with the Prime
Minister, Mr Howard.

The poet's new version retains the controversial reference to "mateship" but he
has added warmth to his acknowledgment of indigenous

Murray said yesterday that his new preamble was not an official redraft, nor
meant to compromise the Prime Minister.

Denying some media reports of a rift with Mr Howard, he said, however, that
revisions had made their first collaborative document
"rather baggy".

He said: "This is an attempt to pull it together into a crisper statement of the
nation and some of its core values."

The poet attempted the rewrite at the suggestion of the Herald. The Prime
Minister first approached Murray after the poet's draft
preamble appeared in the Herald. Murray said yesterday: "I suppose I owe you
that [the rewrite] since it was you who got me into this
perilous genre of preamble-writing."

The one fact that I learned from the debate was that, in a rare legal usage,
'time immemorial' can mean about 700 years. I have replaced
that phrase accordingly. A lot of people complained that we had passed over
native-born Australians and, in the end, it seemed unreal to
me to separate them from immigrants. To do so would fly in the face of sex, of
ancestry and intermarriage.

"My early drafts carried a specific mention of Tasmania and I have restored it,
but on mateship I have bowed to the Prime Minister's
preference, and his sense of the broad community. Wide approval for the term has
come from many quarters, not least from younger
women, including some lesbians. Others will always disdain it, but the preamble
itself doesn't promote uniformity.

"If nothing else, my right honourable client and I may have helped to clarify
the modern Australian usage of 'mate' and 'mateship'.

"In the Aboriginal paragraph, both Labor's word 'custodianship' and my suggested
'stewardship' of land seem to be unsuitable, because
both primarily refer to taking care of the property of others. I've had to
rethink the formula there, and put more warmth into it."

Murray's new preamble:

With hope in God, the Commonwealth of Australia is constituted by the sovereign
equality of all its citizens.

Australia's people are woven together from many ancestries, both immigrant and
native born. Their lives continue to be enriched
from ancestral cultures and by traditions and achievements of their own.

The great island continent of Australia with Tasmania has set its people crucial
challenges, but it has also given sanctuary and the
good life to many, and remains a distinctive inspiration for all.

Since great antiquity, it has been inhabited by Aborigines and Torres Strait
Islanders, whose spirit is nourished above all by their
deep kinship with their lands.

Australians are free to be proud of their country and heritage, free to realise
themselves as individuals, free to be generous and
exercise moral courage. The nation values excellence as well as fairness, and
independence as dearly as mateship.

Australia's democratic federal system of government exists under law to preserve
each person in an equal dignity which may never be
infringed by prejudice or fashion or ideology, nor invoked against merit.

The first preamble:

With hope in God, the Commonwealth of Australia is constituted by the equal
sovereignty of all its citizens.

The Australian nation is woven together of people from many ancestries and

Our vast island continent has helped to shape the destiny of our Commonwealth
and the spirit of its people.

Since time immemorial our land has been inhabited by Aborigines and Torres
Strait Islanders, who are honoured for their ancient
and continuing cultures.

In every generation immigrants have brought great enrichment to our nation's

Australians are free to be proud of their country and heritage, free to realise
themselves as individuals, and free to pursue their hopes
and ideals. We value excellence as well as fairness, independence as dearly as

Australia's democratic and federal system of government exists under law to
preserve and protect all Australians in an equal dignity
which may never be infringed by prejudice or fashion or ideology nor invoked
against achievement.

In this spirit we, the Australian people, commit ourselves to this Constitution.

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