no but kevin is an elder that i have known for many years of my learning
and that is what i know what do you?

is not a matter of logical interpretation that was something that iris
stevens did in the kumarangk hearing in weighing up the evidence so i dont
really want to get into it at your level 

> From: Don Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [recoznet2] karyns bio
> Date: Friday, March 05, 1999 5:43 AM
> Irene,
> I am wondering why you think that a person who percieves that a meeting
> another person is negative is "insulting".  Surely she is entitled to an
> opinion and an interpretation of that meeting.
> I was not there so I do not know if Karyn's interpretation is right or
> wrong.  Were you there in order to determine the rightness or wrongness
> that statement?
> Don
> -----Original Message-----
> From: irene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thursday, 29 April 1999 2:22
> Subject: Re: [recoznet2] karyns bio
> >irene watson wrote
> >
> >quite clearly you learned nothing from one of our elders kevin
> >the way you have interpreted his advise is clearly one of the reasons we
> >nungas tire of speaking to you.   you dont listen properly
> >like our elders have said we were born with two ears and two eyes and
> >mouth
> >one should spend twice as much time listening and watching than
> >
> >my advise to you is dont interpret our relationship to the land we are
> >quite capable of doing it ourselves it is for you to interpret yours,
> >need to travel for the thousands of years that it will take you back
> >again
> >you can take it literally, spiritually, pschycially any way you like but
> >you are not a nunga here you are home somewhere else and thats your
> >just as mine is mine and i am quite capable of the interpretation of
> >for myself as you are yours
> >
> >nukkan
> >
> >i wonder why i am a member of a group like this where there is no
> >to one who insults one of our respected elders.
> >
> >----------
> >> From: karyn fearnside <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> Subject: [recoznet2] karyns bio
> >> Date: Wednesday, April 28, 1999 7:44 AM
> >>
> >> Hello everyone,
> >>
> >> I haven't really introduced myself, so here goes:
> >>
> >> I am a 33 year old white female, my fathers family hail from Britain,
> >> Yorkshire to be exact, and arrived in Adelaide during the 60's. My
> >> mothers mother was born the eldest of 10 children in Kadina, SA, and
> >> according to my birth certificate, my mum was born at Wallaroo. As far
> >> as I know, my grandad came over form Cornwall and worked on my great
> >> grandparent's farm at the age of 15.  This was where he met my
> >> grandmother. All I can remember of her was that she was a very
> >> religious woman, and took me to Sunday school when we visited them in
> >> Karoonda, SA, where they had a sheep and wheat farm. I also remember
> >> her doing a lot of work with the aborigines that lived on the edge of
> >> the small town.
> >>
> >> I was born in Canberra, and spent some of my early years going to
> >> school overseas, firstly a British school in Kathmandu, and then an
> >> American one. I didn't learn anything about aboriginal people when I
> >> was at school in Australia, but I did hear about Captain Cook, and got
> >> the general idea that the aboriginal people living a traditional life
> >> style were a thing of the past.  I was quite cross to realise that I
> >> had been brainwashed. Firstly I didn't know any aboriginal kids, and
> >> if I did, I didn't think anything of it, maybe from growing up
> >> overseas, used to being surrounded by all nationalities. Only recently
> >> when I finished my degree in visual art, majoring in textiles at the
> >> Canberra School of Art, did I take stock of the situation and realise
> >> that I had been lied to. Now I think that the Aboriginal history of
> >> this country is exciting, and that children should be learning it at
> >> school. I think that we should be learning the place names of the
> >> aboriginal states, I think that we should acknowledge the original
> >> cultures, and embrace our multiculturalism, for us all to be able to
> >> live on this continent, honouring the country, respecting each other.
> >>
> >> I remember thinking that all my life I had been slightly jealous of
> >> America for having the American Indians, and that whole mystical
> >> approach to life, and the Negro's for bringing all that they had done
> >> by hanging onto their culture, and still being able to see their roots
> >> from Africa.
> >>
> >>  I did start to become quite philosophical and look at new age ideas
> >> in search of some thing that I could be interested in especially in a
> >> spiritual way. I checked out Wicca because I thought I should
> >> acknowledge my British heritage, not feeling particularly interested
> >> in white male god Christian beliefs. It was very interesting but not
> >> what I really wanted to spend a lot of time doing.  I guess I feel
> >> quite content with my own ideas about creation, and the way the world
> >> operates. There is a rich culture existing here, very much in the
> >> magnitude of the American Indians, I now realise, which we should
> >> preserve at all costs.
> >>
> >> Most of my artwork has been of a political nature, usually focusing on
> >> the hardships of animals bred for factory farming, battery eggs and so
> >> forth. I did a website as part of my final year's work, and if anyone
> >> wants to check it out they can at:
> >>
> >>  Its got 10 pages all up, and when you get to the little piccies don't
> >> forget to click on one. Anyway, I am rambling!! I was awarded a
> >> 6-month studio space with an exhibition as part of an emarging artists
> >> support scheme (EASS). I decided to do a piece of art work that was
> >> current with the times, and was particularly interested in ideas of
> >> reconciliation, and began to apply my thoughts along the lines I had
> >> been taught to explore from art school. I read Bringing Australia
> >> Together, and began to realise a bit about what had been going on. I
> >> went to Old Parliament house to find an aboriginal to talk to at the
> >> tent embassy, about what I was thinking and working on. I took along
> >> the first few photographs I had of my work
> >>
> >> I met Kevin Buzzacott, who was extremely negative and told me that us
> >> whities should go back where we came from I tried to make light of the
> >> situation, and said that I had been there, and it wasn't very nice. I
> >> wasn't real impressed with the whole meeting, and didn't really try to
> >> hard after that to meet up with other aborigines.
> >>
> >> I decided to try the Internet to get information, which was when I
> >> became a member of recoznet!
> >> I went ahead with my artwork, believing that the work I would produce
> >> would reach the right audience. Sadly, I learnt my first lesson in the
> >> real art world as I didn't really get as much public response as I
> >> wanted…but then again, how else are you meant to learn.
> >> The work was called 'Stunting', and consisted of 15 Hansards, which I
> >> had carved into and inserted little scenarios, and a black/white human
> >> shadow on the wall/floor made out of computer labels, the black figure
> >> on the wall made with labels saying 'Australia the lucky country' and
> >> the white shadow on the floor, made of derogatory words such as
> >> genocide, colonise, monoculture, poverty, marginalise...
> >> I did well in that I sold a few pieces, and got some fantastic
> >> comments.
> >>
> >> Now I am working towards my next artwork something along the lines of
> >> alerting people to the nature of the relationship that aborigines
> >> share with their land. I like to work with things and make them look
> >> beautiful, to draw people in and then share something intimate when I
> >> have their attention.
> >>
> >> Okay I think that s all for now, otherwise I shall ramble on and on,
> >> and I will never post this! If people are interested in looking at my
> >> work more closely, they can contact me, and I can e-mail images to
> >> them.
> >>
> >> cheers karyn
> >>
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