I found a website on it.  I don't know if it's particularly good... haven't
really read any of it yet.


Glenn Murray
Technical Writer

-----Original Message-----
From: Christine Howes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 1999 5:29 PM
To: Carrie Jacobi; Reconnet
Subject: Re: GST

reconnet: reconciliation email network

Thanks Carrie....I know there is a website (I think out of UQ somewhere)
which details the debit tax. I've since lost it's location, but you are
completely right....the major stakeholders in such a tax are....the major
stakeholders, I guess.  No chance they are going to support it - especially
because they could no longer get out of paying the same tax as everyone else
- and they use it all the most!  The people who make the most, get the most
concessions and use the most resources!!!!!  Bizarre (to use a well-worn


>From: Carrie Jacobi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: GST
>Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 8:40 AM

>reconnet: reconciliation email network
>I think that the debit tax is part of what is known as the Tobin Tax. Tobin
>was Nobel prize
>winning economist who developed a tax system which truly taxed the richer.
>Part of his tax
>system also dealt with foreign exchange, but for this to happen there needs
>to be an agreement
>between the countries involved.
>The Greens in Australia have adopted the foreign exchange part of the Tobin
>Tax into their tax
>policy. I would like to see it go further than that and include a debit
>A local economist 
>maintains that a Tobin Tax would bring in more than PAYE tax alone (so not
>including taxes 
>like Wholesale Sales Tax or Provisional Tax, etc).
>It seems so simple, but it's the people who would be making large exchanges
>that would be 
>taxed the most, and those are the people who seem to be holding the
>government strings.
>At 08:29  3/06/1999 +1000, you wrote:
>>reconnet: reconciliation email network
>>Thanks Jocelynne, good reply.  You are absolutely right.  People at the
>>bottom end of the scale certainly don't have the monopoly on government
>>handouts or benefits from the money they invest in this country.  I wish I
>>could recall the html address for a group in Brisbane working on promoting
>>Debit Tax - fair to everyone - a simple .33% (33cents in $100) debit tax
>>every debit transaction.  Much simpler, much fairer.  Before I was a
>>of this list I circulated some stuff about it to my usuals and NO ONE (not
>>relies, not economists, etc) could find fault with it.  I have heard the
>>same on talk back radio about it.  Could be a good time to invite both the
>>Dems and the ALP to pull their heads out of their...But I digress.... =)
>>I think Peter's point (re ACC article) is also a good one - this affects
>>spending/buying power of everyone.  Aboriginal communities lose 1 in every
>>houses.  Are their any other activists out there who are a tad concerned? 
>>Working for community organisations, having to lump on 10 per cent,
>>collecting tax for the government (and I haven't even done 97-98 yet!). 
>>Could be the end of my stint as .... what ever it is I am (shit stirrer,
>>journalist, writer, activist, photographer, email hound!).  But the
>>organisations I get most of my paid work from are already on the
>>what's their role in all of this?????
>>Cheers all (forgiving lot that you are!).....Christine
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