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Environment and Heritage/Natural Resources,   HON. RODNEY WELFORD


"Uncle Bob" On Board For Brisbane River Management

Minister for Environment and Heritage and Natural Resources, Rod Welford has welcomed 
the appointment of Aboriginal Elder, Mr Robert Anderson, to the Brisbane River 
Management Group's Policy Council.

Mr Welford, who is chair of the Policy Council, said Mr Anderson would advise on 
indigenous issues integral to waterways management and planning.

"As an Elder of the Moorgumpin people of Moreton Island, Mr Anderson is a leading 
member of the Aboriginal community and a tireless worker for the reconciliation 

"He has chaired the State Council for Reconciliation and represented the Aboriginal 
community in many capacities including as a member of the Indigenous Advisory Council 
and of the Brisbane Council of Elders.'

"It is part of the approach of the Brisbane River Management Group and Environmental 
Protection Agency to include Aboriginal Elders in an appropriate way, in Mr Anderson's 
case, at the highest policy level."

Mr Anderson, known as Uncle Bob, would be involved in establishing an Indigenous 
Reference Sub Group of senior traditional owners.

Mr Welford said the Indigenous Reference Sub Group would provide a forum through which 
traditional owners and the wider Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities 
could coordinate their cultural heritage and biodiversity responsibilities for 
waterways management.

The 1998 Waterways Management Plan provides a co-operative 20-year strategy for 
community, industry and government to work together to transform the Brisbane River 
and Moreton Bay catchment into a healthy ecosystem.

Mr. Welford said: "The Plan presents a strategic framework for the integrated 
management of the environmental, economic, social and cultural aspects of the 
waterways of the Brisbane River and Moreton Bay catchment.

"Having "Uncle Bob" on board will help to ensure fuller and more inclusive decision 
making where it really counts."

Further information: Andrew Carroll on (07) 38963688
9 June 1999

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