I want to ask something here,  Please forgiuve me if this is not
Im aware that Domestic Violence and its relevant acts are a product of the
introduction of the new environment sees gender equality iin society and the
feminist movement has been a major contribution to this effort.
I wonder at times how this process has addressed the issues of how men
actually see violence and what it actually does to address the the cultural
and societal expectation of masculinity in society.
If we say that Domestic Violence is not OK and put a rule for society out
there in gender equity land, how and what process have been underatken to
address the issue of violence with men, both in white, black and other
ethnicities in Australian society.
We here often of th eterrible things man has done to woman, but what are we
actually doing about other providing some punitive measure to the man for
his behaviour towards a woman.
Can I ask who and what are the professions that actually spend time in
cultures and in gender specifity teaching the rights and worngs of violence
and the boundaries of violence in society?
I do not support violence in anyway, but I cant support a system that does
nothing about working with the people who have labeled as being violent in
Men in both cultures have been marginalised significantly enough that no one
seems prepared to actually get out there and work with normal heterosexual
men who have been socialised to believe the behaviour they produce is ok.
There are plenty of people about who are prepared to talk about the affects
of men in society but there doesnt seem to be many people out there actually
doing anything about it.  Sorry to get on my highhorse but I think this
really importnat and is being grossly overlooked. Especially so in first
people cultures as well, if we see hpow the introdcution of medicine has
been introduced into aboriginal culltures where have bascially seperated
from the medical environment in many cases. Yet culturally I believe this
would have been of major importnace to aboriganal men.
Anyway hope to generate discussion on this.
Regards, Lance.

----- Original Message -----
From: Trudy and Rod Bray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 14, 1999 7:09 PM
Subject: [recoznet2] Transcript of "Sunday" program on Chan 9

> Full Transcript
>  "The truth about Aboriginal domestic violence
>  Reporter: Helen Dalley
>  examination revealed a multitude of scars on all parts of her
>  body. Her chest is deeply scared from a broken beer bottle.
>  Her left forearm and upper arm are extensively scarred from
>  a beer bottle. She also has stab wounds to her upper thighs
>  and lower abdomen; a nine to 10 inch scar just below the
>  breast from a knife wound. Her right eyebrow is scarred
>  from punching. It appears she cannot see out of her left eye
>  due to repeated blows. The back and top of her head has
>  numerous scars from being hit by metal bars and broken
>  bottles".
>  REPORTER: This litany of injuries to an Aboriginal woman
>  from a remote Queensland community is detailed in a
>  clinician's report after her death. It is sadly typical of the
>  plight of many women in Aboriginal Australia.
>  Aboriginal woman, violence is part and parcel of her life.
>  She lives in a violent sub-culture where jealousies,
>  arguments and petty disputes are solved by violence. To
>  her, having someone hit you with a metal bar or slash you
>  with a broken beer bottle is anything but extraordinary. It's
>  commonplace."
>  REPORTER: Domestic violence is going on, night after
>  night. In the very heart of Australia in Alice Springs, the
>  Aboriginal Night Patrol goes looking for the bashed and the
>  bloodied. This woman, badly beaten, is taken to hospital
>  and patched up. But, as is often the case in Aboriginal
>  communities, she laid no charges against the perpetrator
>  and soon returned to the same domestic situation. So this
>  horrific assault becomes just another one of the unreported
>  cases of domestic violence in Aboriginal communities.
>  Overwhelmingly women are the victims. But the violence
>  engulfs the whole community, with men and women both
>  victims and offenders, with the Night Patrol either breaking
>  them up ... or patching them up. Some nights it's a constant
>  stream of bloodshed, abuse and alcohol-fuelled violence ...
>  the ugly result of a destructive cycle in Alice Springs, where
>  public drunkenness and alcohol abuse combine with despair
>  and hopelessness to produce a potent, potentially lethal
>  cocktail.
>  got killed here too."...
> For the full transcript go to:
> http://sunday.ninemsn.com.au/
> If anyone does not have web access and wants to read the
> full transcript, please contact me privately.
> Trudy
> --
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> John Howard's GST: a tax for a new millenium...
> ...to a fifties man everything from the sixties
> looks brand new.
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> -------------------------------------------------------
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