Dear Tim,

Don't take this wrong now, but I think you've taken Meg Lees' comments out
of context, and the text doesn't support your implications. I'm not a Lees
fan; 'Tasha's my kind of gal, but I believe we hurt our cause more than help
it by falling into the same trap of misrepresentation as do the Libs don't
you? So let's be fair here and not hang Lees for what she *didn't* say and
stick to hanging her for that which she *has said or done*.



>Meg Lees makes some Interesting comments in the article below (reproduced
from the newsclips):
>Senator Lees said "it is through tax that we get messages across about how
we would like people to behave".

>"We will have major problems with any watering down of human rights, and
any erosion of environmental powers. Our bottom line on our core values
remains intact. Nothing has changed ..."
>Core values?!  She really has been spending too much time with Howard.  And
I'm all sure we're all glad to hear she will have "major problems" with
watering down human rights.  "Major problems" doesn't exactly sound like the
same thing as "we will never water down human rights".  Maybe they aren't a
core value?

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