Oh noble scribes. Can you assist?



         A "Glittering Occasion of State."

The Queen sends Slorc her golden coach.

The Millenium Olympiad :  Burma Out Update :

86% of the heroin on Aussie streets comes from Burma. 
Let's invite our local drug dealer?

The urgent call came in this morning. On Tues the 13th
(Charles St to the Palace) the New Burmese Ambassador 
will present his dodgy credentials (and a large ball of opium) 
to Her Majester, the Queen of England, but of little else 
these days

And whose family, poor things, haven't seen much of the 
stuff since the good ald days of the China War. She and
the paper puppet from Slorc, will then sit down to sup 
and toke together in perfect puppet harmony?

Our Palace contact, who despises those in power in 
RANGOON then reminded us that. As in the UK Anti 
Apartheid days, it is traditional for protesters to get 
arrested on these most glttering and hypocritical of 
occasions. And that at times, De Klerk would have to 
enter Downing St or the Palace, covered in broken 
egg shells..

Drop eveything? This is a Very Rare occasion. 

I was to play golf, but there are more important things in 
life than golf, (only just.)

Golf in Burma is growing faster than ever. Yesterday we 
met with an American pro, over here to qualify for next 
weeks Open Championship in Scotland.. Robert had
played in Burma and had told Burma Out that it was a,
"horrible place".

Soon, pro golfers will feel the weight of Burma Out. Golf is 
the main tourist investment for the military regime. But they 
soon will not bother to invite the foreign stars of the game 
nor those Americans and Europeans who are on the top 
of the pro curcuit. Why?

In this game, our contacts are second to none. And in this 
game our voice is loud, very loud indeed. 

How would you like to wake up in the morning, only to find 
that your favourite golf course had been visited and was 
now unplayable for months?

Ha! Thought not. 

Can't get to the bathroom in time?

Never mind chaps, just puke where you lay huh? 

Please send out this invitation to all who would like to take 

a London pot shot or catcall the junta's diplo-puppet.

Help Boycott Sydney 2000., Burma OUT!!  

For further details call             0181 742 2803


                       *    *
            |?     *
            |/   The White Bridge Massacre Country Club
-------- _____   """"""""""

Special Notification  UK Drug Czar Hellawell.

In regard that funding is not fourthcoming from the 
£4,000, 000, impounded from drug dealers and as is 
stated in yourt recent report, "for use by the voluntary 


The Prime Minister has now been briefed on why your
office should support the voluntary sector work of Mihra.


Finally : And as we would not like the IOC to unwittingly 
sabotage any hope of a genuine war on drugs by inviting 
Rangoon to compete. We would like to welcome two new 
members of our powerful anti-drug Email list. from the IOC 

Merci -------------much appreciated -------------

Follow the appreciations of the Shan Democratic Union, 
film maker John Pilger,  HH the  Dalai Lama, The Free Burma 
Coalition, Dennis Skinner MP, Tony Benn MP, parliamentarians, 
Socialist Workers' Party, JPR Williams, sportspersons, Hendrix 
bassist Noel Redding, Abdullah Ibrahim, musicians,  All 
Burma Students Democratic Organisation, All Burma Students 
Democratic Front, and numerous others.  

             Support a REAL war on drugs : Sydney 2000 : Burma Out!

Music Industry Human Rights Association
http://www.mihra.org / [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
US Satellite http://www.212.net  
click on roger / then click on news desk

Mihra was founded during UN50 to advance and protect 
creators rights in a cultural market monopolised by the 
recording  / publishing Grand Cartel. Mihra's roots are in 
music and anti-racism and was first in line in calling for a 
sports boycott of Burma for the Sydney 2000 Olympic 

UK webhosting donated by http://www.cerbernet.co.uk
US webhosting donated by http://www.212.net

"Piece of Mind". Recorded in Holland in 1969, same time 
 as the Beatles were recording "Abbey Road". 

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