ABC Regional News
Mon, 26 Jul 1999 14:18 AEST
Reconciliation a step closer
with land handover

The Federal Government says today's
handover of 450,000 hectares of land
south-east of Alice Springs, to traditional
owners, is a positive step for reconciliation.

The Governor-General, Sir William Deane, has
handed back the Tempe Downs and Middleton
Ponds cattle stations to almost 400 traditional
people under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act.

Dr Sharman Stone, the Parliamentary Secretary
to the Federal Environment Minister, who is
representing the Government at the handover,
says it has been an emotional ceremony.

"This is all about reconciliation. It's about
understanding the last 200 years of history in
Australia, where we've had the coming together
of indigenous people and European
settlement," Dr Stone said.

"It's about understanding how we can manage
the great arid zones of Australia better.

"It's about saying this is land that was yours and
still is land now that is continuing to be yours
into perpetuity."

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