The article below was published this month in Djadi-Dugarang, the Indigenous
Social Justice Association's newsletter. It was written by Ray Jackson who has
given his permission to reproduce it on Recoznet2.


Recently the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation have issued their Draft
Document for Reconciliation so the Australian people can discuss the views put
by the Council and can input acceptance or other ideas back to the Council.
The document is in several parts.  The first is the Draft Declaration followed
by four National Strategies or steps to make Reconciliation possible.
The future revised document will be launched in May 2000 for its final
acceptance.  As a concept Reconciliation and its processes are indeed a
praiseworthy attempt of allowing the non-Indigenous Australians to fully accept
and become reconciled to the true black history of this land.  With all that
that entails.
Whilst I personally, as an Aboriginal man, descended from the Wiradjuri peoples,
am able to accept the social need for Reconciliation I fear that what is being
offered is not the type of Reconciliation as I have outlined above, but a more
severe, a more debilitating Reconciliation for the Indigenous peoples of these
traditionally owned lands.
What I see as being offered to all Indigenous peoples is nothing less that a
death-bed Reconciliation whereby we as a culture, as a people, will die whilst
those whom are left, the dominant, non-Indigenous culture and peoples, will
‘accept’ the Reconciliation and everything that goes with it.  And I mean
Our Lands, Our Culture, Our Life.  Reconciliation does not and more importantly
cannot mean absorption, assimilation, or being merged into the dominant
culture.  Reconciliation to me is total recognition of our rights as the
traditional owners of this land.  Reconciliation to me is non-Indigenous
acceptance of our original Black History and our mixed Black and White History.
Whether that History is of the black-armband view or the white-blindfold view
matters not.  It must be the true histories.
To a certain extent the Draft Declaration does accept this but to me there
appears to be the need for our mob to accept what has already happened to us and
then we all march on together or to use their words - “Speaking with one voice,
we the people of Australia, of many origins as we are, make a commitment to go
on together recognising the gift of one another’s presence”.
Whilst we are recognised as the traditional owners and custodian of the Land,
and recognition is made that the land ‘was colonised’ without our consent, (not
stolen, mind you), nowhere in the whole Draft Document is there any calls to
return some traditional lands to the original owners and custodian of that
land.  Mabo and Wik do not exist.
Whilst this Draft Document is being debated we have Federal, State and Territory
Governments actively winding back any legal opportunities to allow Indigenous
peoples access to traditional lands.  The Howard Government’s active role in
legally attempting to wind back the 1975 Land Rights Act in the Northern
Territory is but one example.
The legal machinations of the Court Government in Western Australia and the
Beattie Government in Queensland are other examples.  Why do these vile
politicians talk of Reconciliation while they are actively removing our rights
to land?  Where are the Reconciliationists loudly calling on these Governments
to stop this chicanery before we lose everything?
Where are the Reconciliationists crying ‘shame’ to the Howard Government and the
Northern Territory Government against their legal actions in attempting to
strike down the legitimate claims of just two of the tens of thousands of the
Stolen Generations in the Northern Territory Supreme Court?
Government talk and also the words of the National Strategy for Economic
Independence for Indigenous Peoples, is the talk of false prophets, forked
tongues, secret English.  Our economic independence is based in and on and with
our Lands.  We do not all aspire to becoming a Skase or a Bond, nor do we all
aspire to be shop owners.  Independence and our lands are as one, indivisible
one from the other.
The National Strategy to Address ATSI Disadvantage and the Government’s talk of
better outcomes in health, education, employment, hosing, law and justice but
they do not mention Land.  All six areas mentioned are for the greater part
controlled by non-Indigenous organisations, including Government Departments.
Our medical services work, our education facilities such as Tranby and Eora
College to name but two are quite successful, our people have worked for the
dole for years and our high unemployment rate is white based, not black.  There
are some problems in housing areas but we need to work it out ourselves.  We
must have houses designed by and for our people.
The mention of Law and Justice is a sick, sick joke.  We have had over 200 years
of your law and over 200 years of no Justice.  I refuse to go through the
statistics again, suffice to say that things have gotten worse and absolutely
EVERYBODY recognises that fact.
I say to the Reconciliationists that a real, true, and all-pervasive
Reconciliation cannot occur until the near 300 Indigenous Families (who have
experienced a death in custody) are given their fair share of that Law and
Justice that is blithely quoted.
Reconcile, if you can, the Pat Family whose son John was kicked to death by five
white off-duty police officers; reconcile the Murray Family who are still
fighting for truth as to the death of Eddie; reconcile to the Scott Family whose
husband was hung twice in Berrimah Gaol in Darwin; reconcile the Family of
Colleen Richman who was shot several times in the back by Victorian police.
I could fill pages with such names.  All washed whiter than white.  A sickly and
sickening white.
Reconciliation can only be possible between equals.  Our two societies are far
from that.  Make equity, allow access, strive for Reconciliation but before all
that, look at the evil being perpetrated still by the Governments of this
country and stop them from stealing our bones and our blood.
Before there can be economic independence and an addressing of ATSI disadvantage
there must be urgent recognition and practical action to stop the continuing
removal of our Indigenous rights.  A people stripped of everything have nothing
and will become nothing.  EXCEPT OUR HOPE AND THE LOVE WE SHARE?????
The Declaration states:- “as one part of the nation expresses its sorrow and
profoundly regrets the injustices of the past, so the other part accept the
apology and forgives”.  What an arrogance!
Sorrow and regret do not equate to an apology.  Howard, Herron, Fischer, et al
attest to the truth of that.  Personally, I will not accept any apology from
Howard and the Coalition Government.  It is too late and would not be an honest
attempt for Reconciliation.
I can intellectualise the past mistakes by both our societies, perhaps I could
even reach some level of forgiveness.  I can and do hope and work for a better
future.  What I cannot and will not accept is the cynical and callous acts
perpetrated on us every day in every way in YOUR name by politicians absolutely
determined to neutralise our culture and existence merely to force us into some
tourist-base economic plan.  The flat earth economics of the, totally misnamed,
economic rationalism, unless we accept that it is quite rational and proper that
the “assets” of the poor are taken by the rich.  I, for one do not accept this
and never will.
The third National Strategy to Promote Recognition of ATSI Rights is a
collection of “Motherhood” statements which sound fine but do and mean little.
The call for equality has been the scream of our peoples, especially since 1938
at Australia Hall.  Equality can only be possible when all in this land are
equal.  Fro equality to occur we must be brought to the same starting line as
everyone else.
The call for recognition of our ‘unique status’ as the original custodians of
our Land shows that we are on the one hand finally and legally, thanks to the
Mabo High Court Decision, seen as the remnants of our proud ancestry.  The other
hand though, the Governments and Mining hand, cares not for such recognition.
They believe we have been defeated in our wars.  WE have not and we will not be
defeated whilst ever our culture, lore, law and land runs through our bodies.
We have never ceded our lands and never will.  Merely because we cannot.
The Strategy talks of our mutual rights under the Common Law.  Our peoples the
lash of such a law every day of our being, much to our detriment.  In NSW alone
some 1,500 Indigenous persons of a total of 7,500+ persons are held in custody.
Over one hundred of these are Indigenous women.  Our children make up between
25% to 40% of juvenile detention centre detainees.  The greater majority are
incarcerated for petty crimes.  There is talk of the Carr Government supporting
the building of a new 300-bed ‘purpose-built’ women’s prison at Windsor.  The
madness continues.  Our Communities are sitting on a population time-bomb, a
Common Law time-bomb.  Sixty percent of our people - we are less than 400,000
nationally - are under the age of 25 years.  With the continued manic push for
Zero Tolerance,  +++++++ Street Laws and Curfews guess who gets targeted?  Guess
which Communities pay the price?  We all do one way or another.
Whilst on the theme of Common aw it must be remembered that the Governments of
this country are active in winding back our so-called Common Law rights.  The
Howard Coalition is actively attempting the legal wind back of the RACIAL
Discrimination Acts that currently stop them from introducing racist laws and
continuing with their racist land grabs.
The Howard Government argues strongly against every Human Rights law, both
nationally and internationally.  Nothing must get in the way of his final
solution, a return to Terra Nullius and an equality based on stripping us of
everything so we can become equal with the ever-growing numbers of ‘have-nots’
in his society.
The call for increased representation in the Parliaments of Australia is
farcical.  We do not live in a democracy, we live under an elective oligarchy
who once elected are safe for another three or four years to so what they want.
It is a somewhat extremely cynical ‘benevolent’ dictatorship.  Our way was the
Elders in Council with the input of all and conciliation as the desired
outcome.  Gaols were an unknown concept, an alien concept, a white concept.
Our way was use of the spear, not to kill but to maim.  The aggrieved Family
held the spear, the Family of the accused were part of the process.  Each
received satisfaction and life moved on.  Only in extreme circumstances would
banishment be used.  Who indeed were the savages?  We did not flog, we did not
gaol.  We utilised shame not barbarism.
The fourth strategy quite rightly talks of Sustainability for the Reconciliation
Process.  This of course is a very important step to allow all Australians of
good intent to nurture the process along to an eventual gaol of true
The cultural diversity of Australia’s peoples has already been recognised under
the ideals of Multiculturalism and apart from the odd Hansonite hiccup, it works
well.  It works because each culture is left intact to that culture’s norms.
One way or the other, whether by birth or choice, we are all Australians.  The
same but different.
Our culture must be treated differently and without wishing to be charged with
being a culture chauvinist we must be treated differently to all our other
multicultural Australians.
We have a religious affinity to this land, an affinity that goes back at least
180,000 years.  We claim back to the Dreamtime.  That affinity must be
recognised, accepted and become a practical reality.  That means putting a
moratorium on the continuing genocide of our people.
The Draft Document for Reconciliation does not go anywhere near to satisfying
there legitimate claims of our people.  It is filled with statements bordering
on a New Ageism, a new mysticism.  Whatever the label it leaves the custodian of
this land with a lot of nice fluffy and warm sentiments but very little else
that is positive.
In a previous issue of Djadi-Dugarang (newsletter of the Indigenous Social
Justice Association) I called for action from the Reconciliation Groups to bring
pressure to bear upon the Governments of Australia, that enough was enough and
the cultural genocide needed to end.  What happened?
The silence was deafening.  One lone Aboriginal woman’s voice was heard in
support.  Nothing came from the Reconciliation Groups, many of whom receive our
newsletter, to my knowledge.  It must be said that the need for Reconciliation
is more yours than ours - the Draft Document proves that.
Please read it and consider it well.  Open up your social consciousness and
judge whether we, as Indigenous people, have been treated with Justice, and more
importantly whether that lack of Justice still continues.  To go forward
together can only be possible with mutual respect.  I really see very little of
that around - from both sides.
The Federal Government continues to insult our Elders and Leaders.  They
continue to malign our true history.  They continue to steal the land.  All with
impunity.  Yet they talk of Reconciliation.
Where are the calls by the Leaders of the Reconciliation Movement, both black
and white against this most evil of Governments.  It is evil because they know
what the do but care not.
We do not want a Reconciliation based on power games.  WE do want a
Reconciliation based on truth and equality.  Please help us to save and protect
the little that we now have.

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