Forwarded for Bruce Reyburn:

How is this for racial discrimination? The Referendum
materials are not available in the original languages of

The  referendum materials are available in all sorts
of foreign languages, and in braille, large print and audio
cassettes to ensure that no-one is disadvantaged!


The newly elected ATSIC Commissioners should be calling
for an injuction to prevent the referendum going ahead until
surviving First Peoples are provided with an opportunity to
learn about Constutitional changes in their first languages.

This injunction could be called on the grounds of racial

Indigenous people are the Australians who have suffered most
from the 1901 Constitution, and all Australians need to
be satisfied that First Peoples have been provided with
a real opportunity to participate in changes to the Australian

Bruce Reyburn

> From: referendum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Bruce Reyburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Preamble - Aboriginal language versions?
> Date: Monday, 11 October 1999 11:06
> Dear Mr Reyburn
> Thanks for your email about the preamble and information on the
> website.  Information about the referendum has been broadcast on
> indigenous and community radio stations throughout Australia and
> advertised in the indigenous press.  However, materials about the
> proposed preamble have not been translated into Aboriginal languages.
> Yours sincerely
> Referendum Taskforce
> Bruce Reyburn wrote:
> > Dear Referendum people,
> >
> > Could you please tell me where i will find materials
> > about the proposed Preamble to the Australian Consititution
> > in the original Australian (Aboriginal) languages?
> >
> > I have rung the interpretor services and they don't know
> > of any.
> >
> > I have checked your website without success.
> >
> > Please advise
> >
> > Bruce Reyburn

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