List members might find the following interesting, and perhaps worthy of
further circulation.

 -----Original Message-----
 From: Taylor-Hunt Dominic [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, 8 October 1999 19:10
 Subject:      Fwd: W. Timor Situation

 From: "free easttimor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: W. Timor Situation
 Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 17:50:37 JAYT

 Please forward this email to everyone in your address book. It is
 impoortant that as many people as possible get to know the truth!!

 I was recently in W. Timor (last week), and I saw some things that need to
be shared.

 I spent most of the time in Kefamenanu, a small town 220km NE of Kupang.
 I went to the E. Timorese refugee camp in Naen, which has about 10,000
 refugees. This is the most peaceful refugee camp in W. Timor, and as a
 result the only place that foreigners are allowed in to work, except for
 UNICEF staff. Even there, militia trucks were visiting, looking for E.
 Timorese people. At least one shooting incident has occurred to my
 knowledge, with one fatality, about 2km from the camp. An E. Timorese
 family was attacked by militia, and the father was killed.

 Conditions in this camp are reasonably good but there is malnutrition
 amongst the children, and some people have gunshot wounds and burns.

 There is an Indonesian businessmasn living in Kefamenanu who has lived in

 Dili for 10 years, and has many E. Timorese friends. He was attacked by
 Militia in Kefamenanu because of his friendships.

 Some other guests at the hotel I was staying at were Indonesian Army -
 reguarly and openly having meetings with Militia.

 I heard that in another camp called Wini the situation is very tense.
 Humanitarian organisations cannot go there. On the 26th Sept, TNI
 (Indonesian National Military) troops massacred many people, the number
 of casualties unknown.

 In Atambua, a town close to the border with E. Timor, the situation is
 even worse. There are twice as many refugees as normal citizens. Officially
 there are 6000 TNI troops deployed in Atambua ready to defend Indonesia
 from an Australian invasion, which is expected by Indonesians and W.
 Timorese - more about this below. It can be assumed that there are more
 troops than that, and many Militia too. I saw about 10 trucks full of
 refugees, under Militia gunpoint (three trucks worth), being escorted

 Refugee camps are everywhere in Atambua, but some are very like what I
 imagine concentration camps to be like: barbed wire enclosures, locked
 gates, 20 - 30 TNI soldiers guarding them.....Only UNICEF staff could
 approach, but could not distribute food. The best they could do was leave
the food and then escape to relative safety.

 During an operation on a known pro-independence person in Atambua
 hospital, who was cut very badly on his back, TNI soldiers forced the doctor to
 stop  and release the patient to the TNI. The doctor called the police, who
 prevented the release of the man to the TNI. The man is now hidden.

 Anyone who helps E. Timorese people is in danger. This prevents adequate
 help getting to the people in need. If a foreigner contacts an E. Timorese
 person, the E. Timorese person is also placed in extreme danger, just
 from  communicating with a foreigner. This makes any humanitarian assistance
 extremely difficult to achieve.

 The press in Indonesia, especially National TV and radio, gives a very
 distorted picture of events. It is widely reported that Australia is in
 total command of INTERFET troops, and will imminently invade W. Timor.
 General Wiranto, chief of TNI, openly declared on TV that Indonesia
 should  be ready for the fight against Australia.

 It is also widely reported that UN did not bring about a fair referendum
 in  E. Timor, indeed deliberately tipped the scales in favour of
 They also say that there were no Indonesian observers in the referendum
 (which there were - maybe as many as half of them!). They also claim that
the refugees in W. Timor have escaped from E. Timor not from fear, but
because they do not agree with the referendum results and desire to stay
 with Indonesia.

 It was declared on National TV that E. Timorese refugees will be moved to
populate regions of Kalimantan, in about 3 months time.

 Please spread this information to your friends and contacts. It is
 important that there is a huge amount of International support for the
 plight of the Timorese people. If you want to help, please do so in an
 informed way. It can put people in danger too.

end of message

Rod Hagen
Hurstbridge, Victoria, Australia

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