Hi Jodie,

Jodie Patterson wrote:

> Dear Trudy,
> I really appreciate your list serve...do you really sit there all day doing
> all that work for us?

Not quite all day.... ;-)

> I do have a question...I am doing a research project for my masters in
> Journalism, and am going to do a study on the ABC and their Indigenous
> coverage, especially relating to TV news.   I want examine the content of
> their indigenous news stories.  I am going to be relying to some extent on
> the information you send me...is it possible to get access to every single
> ABC TV news bulletin on indigenous issues that comes out of the Sydney news
> room only?

Oi, now you're asking something! I don't know if anyone can tell where the news 
bulletins originate or where
they are sent from. The online news bulletins are directed by an office in Queensland.
It may be an idea to phone the Sydney studio and ask them. I've found them very 
helpful when I've phoned in
the past.

> and what is your opinion of the ABC's coverage of indigenous news?

Mostly it's the only coverage. The other TV channels will only cover indigenous issues 
if there is something
very controversial going on or if they absolutely can't ignore it. I watch most of the 
channels (I spend
some time at that too ;-)) for comparison when Aboriginal issues are in the news. Of 
the commercial channels
I would say that Chan 10 is more likely to cover it, in more depth and with less bias 
than the other
commercial channels.
The ABC used to have a greater number of bulletins on indigenous issues but I think 
that a complaint by our
favourite PM put a stop to that. The ABC is not as sympathetic to indigenous issues as 
it used to be but
that also depends on who is reporting.

This is all in my opinion, of course.
Online, the news bulletins pretty well follow the TV example. The ABC reports and the 
rest only when they
have to. The biggest change I've seen is in the Fairfax press. They used to carry a 
lot of indigenous news
but now do so hardly at all. When they do, it is not posted online and not available 
to the wider audience.
They have not carried one item about the Stolen Generations case. I can't pinpoint 
exactly when the change
in policy happened but it was less than a year ago, I think.

Hope this helps some. If there is anything else I can answer don't hesitate to ask.


> sincerely, Jodie Patterson.
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