I don't post here often either - in fact I never have!  This is under my
husband's name but he is down at Kumarangk and has been for the last week
and a half since they started to build THAT bridge.    I am tempted to say a
few words re Laurie's comments but it seems pointless to me to continue
using this forum which, it is my understanding is for information re:
indigenous and other related  issues and educated debate ABOUT  THOSE
ISSUES, not attacks on each other.

What I do want to tell you is that there is a call for solidarity and
practical help from the Ngarrindjeri community  down at Kumarangk.  THey are
asking us to give all the time we can to be present at the site - there is
NO bridge as yet!  There is a big weekend planned for November 20 21.  We
are invited to be present there the whole of the weekend or any part we can
make it.   There will be a flyer sent out soon but I just wanted to let you
know some information to tell as MANY people as you can to keep that weekend
free.  If you are coming  from interstate - we can set up accomodation from
here and as I said there is camping at Ngarrindjeri Pulgi on the island,
available for the whole week end.

This will be on the flyer:  post it as many places as you can
Annette Flanagan

Protect our culture
Protect our heritage
Protect our world


In the name of respect, understanding, conciliation and our world,
the Ngarrindjeri invites all people to walk and talk with us
on November 20, 1999
in solidarity.

Gather at Amelia park ( just near ferry)

protest walk and smoking ceremony

speeches atr Amelia park
byo lunch and drinks

then we will walk from Amelia park to Kumarangk  - Ngarrindjeri Pulgi.

Sunday 21 November
Gather at Amelia park - walk to Kumarangk for Ngarrindjeri reclaiming

onto Ngarrindjeri Pulgi for family celebration and preparation and planning
for the big event!

For any more information contact

Tom Trevorrow - 0409961933  or wK:  0885 751557
Matt Rigney  08 8269 1011

-----Original Message-----
Date: Monday, 8 November 1999 1:20
Subject: Re: [recoznet2] New start...

>Hello all,
>I don't post here often, but I always read with great interest all of the
>time. The issue of no or yes on the referendum really hasn't anything to do
>with the artificial lines drawn by Laurie contra Trudy. What it has to do
>with, folks, is constitutional revision itself. For godsakes; this country
>doesn't even have a bill of rights that protects free speech and many other
>important rights. Who cares about the queen or the republic in and of
>itself? If you can't guarantee basic human rights, including rights to
>health, land, shelter, clothing, food, etc., then what the hell difference
>does it make HOW you voted on the referendum? It makes NO difference at
>all...zip, zilch, nil, and none! Now live with it! DEAL! Because of the
>vote, you'll doff yer caps to the queen whether you like it or not and
>hopefully, by the time the next referendum rears its sad little head,
>pay attention to what REALYY matters in this baby country. Get over it for
>>"We are urging people to vote 'no' at the coming referendum.  It is not
>>because we support the monarchy, far from it.  It is because we believe
>>some fundamental unfinished business needs to be sorted out between
>>Australians and Aborigines before Australia feels free to go off, so to
>>speak, to deal with the sumpolism of the Republic.  The type of
>>issues involves constitutional questions such as whether Aborigines have
>>the right to self-determination or a right to enter into a treaty."
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