Re: the continuing protest at Kumarangk.
I was at a meeting tonight of interested people - wanting to support the action and activities down at Ngarrindjeri Pulgi.  We have decided to form small subgroups  - information and data-base entry  /   education /  fundraising  /  media /  direct action
If anyone is interested in the goings on of these groups and willing to be involved please contact me (for starters)  
Anyone at all interested (in the Adelaide area)  come along to next Thursday's meeting at 6pm at the Pilgrim Church -Flinders Street in the city.   It was mentioned  at the meeting that in the past this group has been much larger and it was very  well organised and set up for the long march, and other activities.    We need to get moving again now.  I quote Sandra Kanck, Deputy Leader of the Democrats in S.A. in her speech in parliment  concerning the Hindmarsh Island Bill 1999  (!!!!)   " one of the Ngarrindjeri elders, Maggie Jacobs, spoke at the meeting and said that, although construction of the bridge might begin, it will never be completed.  I hope she is right"
Annette Flanagan
Phone (08)  8248 6052



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