Two shows on radio national that may be of interest ...
Go well

LATE NIGHT LIVE - Crossing the Cultural Divide
Thursday, December 16, 10pm, repeat, Friday December 17, 4pm (6pm in WA)
Noel Tovey is internationally renowned as a theatre director, actor, dancer and
choreographer. Late Night Live spoke with Noel Tovey in 1996, just after he gave
the keynote speech at the opening of the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras.  Noel's
speech was significant for two reasons: because he was the first Aborigine to
address such an important Mardi Gras event and because he spoke with such
passion and honesty about his life. In this interview, Noel Tovey speaks about
his childhood and his early years, about being gay and an Aborigine. Also on the
program, Camilla Cowley, a white pastoralist in South Eastern Queensland, talks
about Wik and reconciliation. Not long after the High Court Wik decision was
handed down, Camilla received a letter saying that her family's property was
being claimed by the Gunggari people. Like most pastoralists, Camilla was
outraged, but unlike others, she marched right down to the local Aboriginal Land
Council and confronted the Gunggari people directly.  It was an encounter that
was to change her life and that of her family forever.

AWAYE! - Looking for Johnny W
Friday, December 17, 11am, repeat, Saturday, December 18, 6pm
Johnny Warangkula is one of a group of Aboriginal artists whose first works are
considered to be the most important historically, aesthetically and of course,
financially. It's their paintings, dating from around 1971, that fetch the
highest prices at auction. Surviving members of the original "Papunya school"
are now sought out for new works by curators, dealers and buyers, both here and
overseas. This is a story about a search for the man behind the world record
price, Johnny W and the million-dollar marketing of thousands of years of

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