The Canberra Times
Tuesday, 29 February, 2000
 Liberal MPs give ultimatum to Howard over

 By ROSS PEAKE, Political Correspondent

 Liberal MPs are threatening to cross the floor to vote with Labor
 unless the Howard Government shows national leadership over
 mandatory sentencing laws.

 They are angry the Northern Territory has already snubbed the
 United Nations' investigation into whether the laws breach Australia's
 international human-rights obligations.

 However, they believe a chance still exists Prime Minister John
 Howard will authorise arm's-length action - by allowing debate on a
 Liberal Private Members' Bill to override the NT law.

 A Senate inquiry, now finalising its report, is expected to condemn the

 laws when it reports late next week.

 The formal response by the Northern Territory and Federal
 Governments to that report will be crucial to shaping the attitude of
 Liberals who are pushing for action.

 The Labor Party has co-sponsored a private Members' Bill in the
 Senate with the Greens' Bob Brown. The Bill would override the
 mandatory sentencing laws for juveniles in the NT and WA.

 A core of six to eight Liberals is very concerned over the issue.
 However, these dissidents would only support the Bill if the NT failed
 to act and its ambit was quarantined to the territory.

 The crunch for the Howard Government would come if a modified Bill
 was passed through the Senate by ALP and Democrat senators and
 sent to the House of Representatives.

 The Howard Government could lose a vote in the lower House if the
 ginger group sided with the Opposition.

 Melbourne Liberal Peter Nugent said it would be harder for Liberals
 to vote for a Labor motion.

 ' I would like to see a Liberal private Members' Bill come forward, in
 the same way as on euthanasia and I think there would be some
 support for that,' he told The Canberra Times. ' We need to do
 something about the Northern Territory's laws and if they won't do it I

 think there is a responsibility on the federal Parliament so you'd have

 to be prepared to consider it.

 ' If it was a Liberal private Members' Bill, you wouldn't have to cross

 the floor so I would hope we would do the right thing and show the
 initiative and the leadership and do it ourselves.'

 Adelaide Liberal Chris Pyne said Coalition MPs were waiting to see
 how the governments responded to the Senate inquiry into
 mandatory sentencing laws.

 Asked if he would consider crossing the floor he said, ' It would be an

 option, failing the Northern Territory taking action itself.'

 Other Liberals supported the sentiments but pointed out many Liberal
 and National MPs strongly believed in states' rights.

 NT Chief Minister Denis Burke promised on Sunday any UN
 recommendation against mandatory sentencing would be ignored.

 Australia's top human-rights watchdog said the hard-line stance in
 Darwin on mandatory sentencing showed the NT Government was

 Human Rights Commissioner Chris Sidoti said while treaties had no
 legal enforcement powers, they were consensual documents to which
 all Australian governments, including the Northern Territory, had

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