Sorry it has take me a while to respond to this, but those who know what I
am up to, will understand. I cannot leave an attack on my friend Simon Hunt
aka Pauline Pantsdown go unanswered

KAREN: As for the presence of Pauline Pantsdown at your petition rally -
that says
way too much. If that's what it takes to make people sign a petition, then
there is a much bigger problem here than you think.

What it says it that the gay and lesbian community has innovative ways of
letting people know what is going on. Advertising works, and doing it
effectively works even better. Pauline wasn't arm twisting people to sign,
she was merely letting people know that there was a petition that people
could sign if they want to. And the response was continuous all day, even
when she wasn't there. (a signature every 15 seconds!)

In defense of Pauline Pantsdown:

Simon Hunt aka Pauline Pantsdown has a long history of political actvism,
and his work in opposing One Nation is something that should be praised.
Even the Liberal winner of Blair stated publically (I have the quote from
the SMH) that part of the reason that Hanson lost the seat was due to
battling with Pantsdown

Simon lived for a long time in Berlin, and made a study of the responses to
the Nazi in 30's Berlin. His ideas of satire were developed through these

Simon places his work in historical context. Several Berlin satirists of the
early 1930's wrote about the difficulties they had in satirising Hitler's
views on race and nationalism, as his original statements were often
factually inaccurate and always extremist.

Satire and caricature require a logical/realist base from which to
exaggerate. The solution of the Berlin satirists was often to take Hitler's
use of language and style of argument and use it in other subject areas.

"How can you satirise nonsensical statements such as " I'm not a racist, but
a realist', and I'm not a racist, but a very proud Australian'? asks

Men in frocks have opinions too!


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