> From: wagtail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: aboriginal tent embassy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; alex aitken
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; andrew buney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; aneetar
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; ani + fred <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; annie bridges
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; bilbo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; broken hill group
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; bronwen beechey (GL) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Carys Holder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; chris aliss
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; chris mansell
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; dana teusner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; dave
reveg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; David Noonan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; donna
beaumont (cartoon) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; duncan and bronwyn
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; ellie gilbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; ed
wilby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; enuff adelaide
fernando goncalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; foe fitzroy
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; frazer hopgood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; fred
littlejohn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; gavin mudd
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; geco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Grace Nelligan
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; green left <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; greg ogle
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; humps not dumps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
ian sweeney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; ingrid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; irene
watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; jack holman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Jacky
Desbiolles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; jag adelaide
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Jay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; jenny dupont
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; jeremt urquhart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; jonivar
scullerud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; kelly ?? <kelly@??.com>; kldf
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; lake eyre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; len lindon (AG)
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; len lindon (HR)
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; liana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; loud buddha
mayeta devi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; monkey marc ?? <monkey@?.com>; ms
mungbeen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; news unlimited <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; pat
dupont <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; peter schnelbogl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
phil bradley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; ralph hahnheuser
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; rasberry jam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; rip it up
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; ron gray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; sally and mark
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; sandra littlejohn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
scruffy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; shelley nundra
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; sista-moon green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; spiral
objective <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; steve baker
wayne and jodie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; william taylor
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; yael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; zane young (Ad Uni)
> Date: Monday, March 13, 2000 8:24 AM
> people
> money
> tarps
> water containers
> HF radios with arials- flying doctor
> dry food
> Adelaide support for periodic fresh food deliveries
> vehicles- tray top truck; utes; 4x4; anything
> sealable food and gear containers of various sizes to 200 litres
> water purifiers
> solar panels
> deep cell batteries
> first aid equipment
> gas cylinders
> paint a banner
> sign making gear
> paints
> paint brushes
> cooking equipment
> gas fridges
> CB readios and hand helds
> money
> working parties
> rope
> tent pegs
> poles for shade building
> tents
> wind generators
> other alternative energy devices
> laptop computer(s)
> satelite phones
> city support people
> independent.media
> local media coverage
> national media coverage
> international media coverage
> binoculars
> telescope
> people
> Not all our needs are itemised here.  If you think you have something
else to
> offer please ask.  Mostly the above is in order of priority.
> Items and correspondence can be posted or otherwise transported to the
> Outback Store, which is also the Post Office.
> Mail to 'Keepers of Lake Eyre'
> If you can help with any of these items please contact Keepers of Lake
> in Adelaide, or via Marree (after March 25).  Email contact will be
> but may be slow.
> Keepers of Lake Eyre:
> email:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> post:
>       - Adelaide:  C\- 120 Wakefield St
>                        Adelaide, S.A. 5000
>       -Marree:      C\- Post Office
>                        Marree, S.A. 5733
> Tel:
>       -Adelaide:  (08) 8232 8595
> Web:   www. come.to/lakeeyre
> Sunday March 26 to Thursday March 30
> $75 per head transport costs, plus $20 for food.
> Bring your own camping equipment, and water containers.
> You are invited to go to Arabunna Country and participate in the Arabunna
> Going Home Camp.
> Keepers of Lake Eyre will take you there.
> The tour will begin in Adelaide on Sunday March 26:
> you will arrive at Camp after about 10 hours.
> The opening ceremony will be held on Monday March 27.
> Tuesday and Wednesday will take you to the Mound Springs and bore fields.
> The return trip will go via Roxby Downs and Olympic Dam,
> arriving in Adelaide late Thursday night.
> Bookings accepted with full payment of $95
> (sorry, no cheques or credit cards).
> You have the option to stay at camp, it will be ongoing.
> Or, find your own way there
> --organisational help and donations welcome--
> Contact Keepers of Lake Eyre for more details and to book:
> Tel.       (08) 8232 8595 or 0419 812 788
> Post.     C/- 120 Wakefield St, Adelaide 5000
> Web.    www.come.to/lakeeyre
> Arabunna Going Home 2000
> On the 26th of March last year the Arabunna Going Home Camp was opened
> the first time, at Lake Eyre South.
> Arabunna Elder, Kevin Buzzacott, is calling his Arabunna People home
> and this time it is for good.  Lake Eyre is calling and we are all
welcome to join in becoming Keepers of Lake Eyre, carers of the Great
Artesian Basin, the Mound Springs and the whole country.
> "This movement is about peace
>   Lake Eyre is calling People to make peace
>   with the People and the Old Country..." Kevin Buzzacott
> Over a year ago Kevin Buzzacott, a Keeper of Arabunna Law, presented WMC 
> with their Final Eviction Notice to Quit Arabunna Land.  This ultimatum
> draw to a head on March 26, 2000.  WMC have not left and have not
dismantled their equipment.
> They believe that they have the right under Colonial Law, Australian Law,
to continue their operations.
> The Arabunna have never agreed to this.
> The artesian water is sacred to the Arabunna.  It has given them life for
> of years and they have managed it with care.  Since the invaders came the
Arabunna have been moved off their land and kept away.  Very few people
live there now to witness the changes and the damage.  The sacred waters
are drying up, water that is over a million years old, and what is left is
being used to wash copper and uranium.
> The Arabunna and their westerly neighbours have experienced nuclear bomb
fallout within living memory.  The taking of their sacred water is further
destroying the land
> and now a radioactive waste repository is planned nearby.
> The destruction must stop and a new way of caring for land and people
must begin:
> one which does not desecrate our children’s future; one which respects
our resources and sacred places.
> Come to Lake Eyre meet the People and experience
> this place for yourself.
> Check the beginning of this message for details.
> Western Mining Corporation  (WMC) and the Great Artesian Basin (GAB) are 
> on a collision course.  WMC has been mining GAB water, at Lake Eyre
South, since 1982 when it was taking 1.3  million litres (ML) per day.  The
flow increased constantly to 15 ML per day by 1997.  Their water demand is
now believed to be 30 ML per day, and this is set to rise to 42 ML in the
near future.
> The exploitation of the GAB began in NSW in 1887 when the first bore was
drilled into it.  For Lake Eyre South and the nearby Mound Springs groups
the first intrusions were cattle brought to the country by its new
landlords, the station owners.  The survival and profitability of the stock
often relied upon the Mound Springs.  In years of drought the otherwise
clean water supply of the Original People of this country, the Arabunna,
would diminish into puddles of cow shit laden mud.
> Many  tens of thousands of bores have now been spread around the 22% of
Australia that the GAB underlies.  It is estimated that up to 80% of this
water is wasted.
> The Mound Springs of Lake Eyre South are fed by the GAB and they are
suffering.  Some have dried up completely while others are dying more
slowly.  More research is needed to ascertain the damage that has been
> Before the exploitation’s of the Europeans there was enough water for
everybody: the people, animals, insects, birds, plants, everything.
> Remarkably some of the springs at Lake Eyre South survive and are
incredible, surrounded by the harsh and dry landscape.  In a country where
the rain can stay away for years these oases can be the difference between
life and death.
> You can go to these awe inspiring places, listen to their stories and
hear talk of a more respecting, caring future.  You will also witness the
bore fields and the destination of the stolen waters, WMC’s Olympic Dam
Copper Uranium Mine.
> The moon will be waning, the stars dazzling and camp fires burning.  Lake
Eyre may well be full after the recent floods and wild flowers could be in
> This is your invitation to this Country, its People and our future.
> Check the beginning of this message for more details
> Further Reading:
> Who are KOLE?.....    Keepers of Lake Eyre
> The Keepers of Lake Eyre support and further the upkeep of Arabunna
Traditional Law.  This Law demands the protection of Arabunna Country,
Culture, Spirituality and People.  Traditional Law, in ‘Australia’, has
been under attack for up to 212 years.  Continued hostilities against
Arabunna exist in the form of  Western Mining Corporation (WMC) supported
and protected by all levels of Government, the Justice System and the
> The Keepers are very recent additions to a long line of Custodians and
Protectors of Lake Eyre, Arabunna Land and the Lands of other ‘Brother
Sister’ Nations.  ‘Keeper’ is a title, bestowed upon the wearer for their
commitment to recognising, learning and upholding Arabunna Law.  Other
words like Custodian, Protector and Carer similarly describe the same
responsibilities we all have for Mother Earth and her life giving
> KOLE first gathered in January 1999, in Adelaide, South Australia,
wishing to support the Arabunna Going Home Camp, called by Arabunna Elder
Kevin Buzzacott.  Kevin was calling for Arabunna to go back to their Land. 
He was also calling all people who wanted to learn about his Country to
come to Lake Eyre and the Arabunna Camp.  The camp was to begin on 26
March, the same day as the official opening of WMC’s Olympic Dam Expansion
> We had met with Kevin before and had heard him talk about his Country,
People and particularly about Lake Eyre and the Mound Springs.  It was
agreed that we would respond to his call and help build a camp to receive
all those who wanted to go home.  The Title ‘Keepers of Lake Eyre’ was
chosen and we went to work.
> The Arabunna Going Home Camp was constructed in the week leading up to
the March 26 Opening Ceremony.  Over 100 Arabunna/Keepers witnessed the
ceremony carried out by Kevin Buzzacott (video available-  “Lake Eyre is
Calling”).  It was held around a fire and told of the suffering of Arabunna
People, the Earth and the Ancient and Sacred underground water system.
> The camp, situated close to the Oodnadatta Track, at Lake Eyre South,
prospered for close to 9 months.  Arabunna, travellers, camel trekkers,
Keepers and many more from around the world visited the camp, experiencing
the Country and hearing its stories.  Much was learnt and shared.
> Many witnessed first hand the destruction of Law and Country being
perpetrated by WMC.  The Mound Springs, upwellings of 2 million year old,
clean water, are slowly dieing as the artesian water pressure drops from
WMC’s water mining.  The water is pumped over 100km south to Olympic Dam
Copper Uranium mine, one of the biggest in the world, at an increasing
rate.  Arabunna tell of a time, not long ago, when the springs flowed
strong and there was enough water for everyone.
> Now the Land is getting drier and drier, the Kangaroos and Emus are
scarce, there are fewer Custodians than ever and the Sacred Springs are
dieing, some have already gone.  Old Lake Eyre is calling for us to return,
he is lonely and wants us back.  Where have all the people gone?
> And the water is being used for what?  To nourish people?  on the land? 
to grow food?  Is it being kept for all things into the future?  NO, it is
being used to wash URANIUM!
> A few days before the Camp Opening Ceremony court proceeding were
launched against Hugh Morgan the Managing Director of WMC- a well known
believer in the death of Aboriginal Law and Culture.  Kevin Buzzacott with
help from his Barrister, Len Lindon, was suing Morgan for Genocide on
Arabunna People.
> Proceedings were later taken against Alexander Downer (Federal Foreign
Affairs Minister), Robert Hill Federal Environment Minister) and the
Commonwealth Government for failing to finalise plans to nominate the Lake
Eyre Basin for World Heritage.  This was yet another act of Genocide
against Arabunna, has allowed WMC’s destruction to continue and made
possible plans to build a radioactive waste dump in the area.
> The ‘World Heritage’ case went to the Federal Court in Canberra where it
was decided that Genocide is not a crime in Australia.  The case is now on
appeal before the High Court.
> The Arabunna Going Home Camp was destroyed by WMC from December 6 to 11,
on the orders of WMC Community Liaison Officer, David Stokes, with the
support of Corporate Affairs Manager, Richard Yeales and the local Police.
> Richard Yeales claims that the camp was blocking their access to a ‘test
bore’ which they are required by government to monitor.
> The bore has since been sealed with concrete and many Arabunna are
appalled that Kevin’s rights to invite People to his country, which they
support, have been Forcibly Removed.
> The Arabunna Going Home Camp will be resumed on March 26, 2000.  Will the
Arabunna succeed this time?  All are invited to participate.  This is the
final day for WMC to QUIT Arabunna Country.
> The Keepers story, so far, is being written in Adelaide at present. 
Kevin, having been made homeless, was forced to travel to the city where
the authority, apparently, lies to destroy or protect his land.  He was
physically turned away by the court still deciding what to do with Hugh
Morgan and turned to the Governor of South Australia for help.  Again he
was turned away and Genocide Corner appeared for all to see.  Four
Ceremonial Fires for Peace were lit and extinguished by the Adelaide City
Council and Police.  After 21 days Genocide Corner Camp was Forcibly
Removed for the second time, with the support of over 50 Police, and Kevin
arrested for "fail cease loiter" by Star Force (paramilitary police) and
locked up.
> Such a charge claims that Kevin had no good reason for being at the
corner, that he is a lier.  The ‘Law’ apparently empowers the Police to
define the meaning of his actions.  This colonial charge is used to control
and criminalise Aboriginal Culture and must be exposed and extinguished.
> Keepers of Lake Eyre are now with Kevin at Peace Park where all are
invited to attend to hear of the fight to protect Arabunna Country.  This
new level of protest comes after discussions with the Adelaide City Council
whereby ‘permission’ has been granted for Kevin and others to tell their
story within the ‘Law’.  It remains to be seen whether such moves can
attract the support needed to challenge the title- "ADELAIDE THE GENOCIDE
TOWN", and flush out the real criminals.
> January 28, 2000
> _____________________________________________
> Since January last year KOLE have:  lived at Lake Eyre; heard directly
from Arabunna the stories of their Country and fight with WMC; witnessed
the damage first hand; documented damage and ongoing developments (not only
those of WMC); met with and developed relationships with Arabunna People
and others living and working in the region; carried out actions against
WMC; spoken to and educated many travellers and visitors to camp and in the
cities; fundraised; met and liaised with other Aboriginal Nations; met and
liaised with other groups working for an end to uranium mining, nuclear
waste dumping, Human Rights abuse.....................
> For more information and to contact KOLE:
> web:   www.come.to/lakeeyre  · post/in person:   C/- 120 Wakefield St,
Adelaide 5000
> Tel.   (08) 8232 8595  · Fax.   (08) 8232 2490  · Email.  
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