
Here is an expanded list from one of this morning's articles:

"Moderate number cruncher Mr Christopher Pyne confirmed in a statement
that moderates would not support the Senate legislation.

Mr Pyne did not return calls yesterday, nor did other Liberal
dissidents. They include NSW members Dr Brendan Nelson, Mr Bruce
Baird and Ms Danna Vale, and Victorians Mr Peter Nugent and Mr Petro
Georgiou. It is understood they could not find any Cabinet
minister willing to fight for the cause in Cabinet."


> Graham Young wrote:
> Dear All,
> A note on the ABC story, and lobbying Liberal MP's.
> When dealing with the Liberal Party you should always bear in mind
> that its members effectively have the right to a conscience vote on
> every matter, even if they seldom see the need to exercise that right.
> In the Labor Party a vote against the government is grounds for
> automatic expulsion.   The Liberal Party deliberately avoided that
> situation, and Liberal Party members (parliamentary and otherwise)
> routinely boast about that difference.
> What a conscience vote means is that there will be no party line.  But
> the fact that there might be a party line should not be used to
> deflect attention from the fact that any party line is ultimately not
> binding on Liberal Parliamentarians.  Those who support the Brown
> legislation shouldn't be allowed to hide behind talk of "conscience
> votes" as though their hands are tied.  They aren't.
> That there is even a suggestion that there should be a "conscience
> vote" indicates that there is a wide body of belief in the party that
> this is such a serious issue that there should be no party line.  That
> being the case it elevates the issue to the point of importance where
> it should be easier, not harder, for members to cross the floor.  The
> ABC journalist is reading this part wrongly.
> A number of lower house MP's have been cited as seriously concerned.
> The only two I can recall from this morning's press are Christopher
> Pyne (SA) and Brendan Nelson (NSW).  Petrou Georgiou also has public
> views on the matter.  Someone might have access to a new article with
> a more exhaustive list.   If you want to put pressure on anyone, I
> would start with them, pointing to the Liberal Party's proud tradition
> of allowing individual members a conscience vote on each and every
> matter.  7 Liberals are needed to cross the floor to pass the Brown
> Legislation.
> Graham Young
> ----- Original Message -----
>      From: David Sjoberg
>      To: recoznet
>      Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2000 9:30 AM
>      Subject: [recoznet2] Conscience vote unlikely on mandatory
>      sentencing
>      From ABC fon line
>      Conscience vote unlikely on mandatory sentencing
>      The Prime Minister is under new pressure to allow a
>      conscience vote on mandatory sentencing.
>      The Senate could vote today on whether to repeal the laws in
>      the Northern Territory and Western Australia.
>      The Senate will resume debate today on a Private Member's
>      Bill to repeal the laws for minors.
>      Speakers last night took diametrically different views.
>      The opposition parties support repeal including Northern
>      Territory Labor Senator Trish Crossin.
>      "It is about putting people above party politics," she said.
>      But Territory Coalition Senator Grant Tambling has attacked
>      even his own colleagues who want to repeal the laws.
>      "It particularly saddens me that a few of my Coalition
>      colleagues have jumped on this bandwagon," he said.
>      The bill is certain to pass the Senate by tomorrow and go to
>      the Lower House next month.
>      The Prime Minister has ruled out a conscience vote meaning
>      it is likely to fail.

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