ABC News
Thu, 16 Mar 2000 9:41 AEDT 
Bills flood parliament to
overturn mandatory

Federal Labor leader Kim Beazley says he will
introduce his own mandatory sentencing bill,
identical to that passed yesterday by the Senate.

The Senate yesterday passed a bill put forward by
Greens Senator Bob Brown to overturn the laws in
the Northern Territory and Western Australia.

The bill has been placed on the House of
Representatives notice paper, after moves to bring
on the debate were gagged and it is unlikely to be
passed when the government uses its numbers.

Mr Beazley says he is not prepared to let the
matter drop.

"My bill is exactly the same as the Senate bill, but
the Government has effectively taken over the
Senate bill and they've put it in archives," he said.

"I'm reviving it from our side of the House."


Independent federal MP Peter Andren says he will
also introduce his own bill to override mandatory

Mr Andren has announced his plans for a fresh
bill, targeting only the Northern Territory, after the
Coalition scuttled plans for a similar bill by Liberal
Danna Vale.

"It's essentially aimed at the Northern Territory
alone, it's aimed at children adding the proviso
they be under 18," he said.

"So it bites somewhat into the adult sentencing
part of that legislation and it essentially is a bill for
an Act to prevent mandatory sentencing of
children in the Northern Territory." 

Meanwhile Ms Vale says the Prime Minister gave
"full consideration" to the bill she put forward to
overturn mandatory sentencing in the Northern

Ms Vale says John Howard gave her a fair

Ms Vale's bill was voted down 27-9 in the Coalition

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