Remember when...

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Date sent:              Fri, 29 Aug 1997 22:30:13 +0800
Subject:                (Fwd) Olympic Boycott materials

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Date:          Thu, 28 Aug 1997 23:19:26 -0400 (EDT)
To:            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:          Lorenzo Komboa Ervin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:       Olympic Boycott materials


In 1993, after fierce bidding, the year 2000 Olympic Games were awarded to
AUSTRALIA over China by the International Olympic Committee, allegedly
because of a better human rights record. But is this so? You be the judge.
Here is a list of crimes by the white racist regime:

* mass murder [genocide] of 500,000 Aboriginal (black) people and the
continued theft of their lands. These murders continue with deaths in H.M.S
prison service and police custody to the present day. AUSTRALIA is based on
the rape and theft of the lands of Aboriginal peoples. Even the courts of
the country are recognizing this, but the government is openly defying the
court system, as well as international law and public opinion by refusing to
abide by the Mabo, Wik, and other rulings granting native land title.

*The rise of Pauline Hanson, the openly white racist politician, who is
against Asian immigration and the human rights of Aborigines, and who is for
a "white AUSTRALIA" restricted immigration policy, which discriminates
against non-whites. She calls the Aborigines "savages" and "cannibals" who
should be eliminated from "civilized society." The rise of her One Nation
Party, a fascist, white supremacist electoral movement, is a serious
development which will continue to impact on Austrialia's position in the
world making it a pariah nation, based on her present influence on the
government, and likelihood of being elected Prime Minister.

*Government stealing of 100,000 Aboriginal (black) children and giving them
to white families, in some cases sending them out of the country. This was
done by police agents, who literally came and dragged them out of the arms
of crying parents, theft of newborns from hospitals, and forcing the parents
to give them to white authorities or be imprisoned. Light-skinned Aborigines
were given to White families to raise, while dark-skinned youth were thrown
into foster homes and juvenile prisons. This sort of thing has not been seen
since Nazi Germany, and was clearly a policy of racial genocide. The federal
government refuses to punish those responsible for this criminal policy,
return the persons to their rightful families, or make any sort of
restitution. It has taken an unrepentant white racist posture, denying at
all they were responsible, or that anyone should be concerned 30 years after
the crimes were committed. Not recognizing that yesterday's children must
live with the result of these harmful policies.

*The deaths of *numerous Aboriginal persons in police custody, yet no
criminal prosecution or impartial inquest, which would establish their
deaths as homicide, instead of rubber-stamping their deaths as "suicide" has
ever taken place. Over 350 black persons have been killed like this,
according to the Royal Commission on Deaths in Custody, although others in
the Indigenous rights movement have said as many as 1,000 may have died in
as little as the last two decades.

*One of the highest levels of police shootings of civilians in the world,
and a reputation for police brutality, especially against the poor and
racial minorities. Literally hundreds have been killed in the last decade
alone by the racist and repressive police forces of AUSTRALIA.

*Sydney, the site of the Olympic Games, has one of the world's worst
ghettos, Redfern, which is a historically black community. The white
government has slated the community for demolition, rather than rebuilding
housing fit for human beings; the residents are subjected to daily police
brutality, random racist violence, poverty and degradation. The AUSTRALIA
government should be held accountable for these squalid conditions, and made
to build decent housing for the black community of Redfern, keeping the
community intact, not driving out the poor!

* The Austrailian government is holding Denis Walker, an Aboriginal leader,
in prison as a political prisoner. Mr. Walker is a co-founder of the
Austrailian Black Panther Party in the 1970's, co-founder of the Aboriginal
Tent Embassy in Canberra, site of Parliament, and has engaged in numerous
struggles on behalf of the indigenous people of the country over the last 20
years. As a result he was framed on criminal charges in 1993 of assaulting
an officer and resisting arrest, when he tried to stop racist cops from
despoiling Aboriginal lands and artifacts. He disarmed one cop, but did not
otherwise harm him, during a government harassing raid. That is why he is
being held in prison as a "dangerous criminal". Mr. Walker has been called
the "Nelson Mandela of AUSTRALIA", and his confinement is clearly
politically motivated. We call upon the Austrailian government to release
Denis Walker and to stop persecuting him because of his race and political
outlook. He is a political prisoner, held unlawfully by the Austrailian
regime, in violation of international law and human rights standards.

*For several years the Austrailian government has been engaged in military
and political intervention in Papua-New Guinea, which has cost the lives of
over 10,000 (predominately Black) persons in Bougainvillea territory, which
seceeded from the white settler regime for its own independent nation, and
to stop mining corporations from exploiting and destroying their lands with
strip-mining. AUSTRALIA, working with the mining companies and the puppet
PNG government, provoked a civil war, and is arming the colonial regime.

*The July 1997 false imprisonment, beating, and deportation of visiting USA
black activist, Lorenzo Komboa Ervin, when he was attempting to speak to the
Aboriginal population and general public of AUSTRALIA during a book
speaking tour. The government deportation charges came at the behest of
racist politician Pauline Hanson and her One Nation Party, who were opposed
to his talking to Aborigines, accusing him of "spreading terrorism". This
tour was cut short because of biased immigration policies which allow the
political banning of speakers out of favor with the government, in clear
violation of international law. In addition, AUSTRALIA has no policies of
civil rights for the black population, nor any civil liberties for its
citizens including freedom of speech for controversial/unpopular persons.
The national government routinely spies on and represses activists, domestic
and international visitors.

*Political banning and denial of travel visas to activists, political
figures and others that the conservative government is opposed to. This
includes Lorenzo Komboa Ervin, and Irish Sein Fein leader, Gerry Adams, but
also thousands of other Left-wing political or social figures. The
government has admitted having a list of at least 100,000 persons for its
immigration exclusion list, which includes many persons strictly on the
basis of their political beliefs or affiliations.

* For over 100 years, the Austrailian government had a White Austrailian
immigration policy, which effectively kept out non-White persons from
visiting and/or receiving citizenship, until the late 1960's. The government
is still enforcing parts of the 1958 Immigration Act laws which still are
discriminatory. Black people coming to Austrailian for any purpose are
especially harnessed, searched, accused of "dealing drugs", summarily
deported and jailed. The Olympics will only increase the number of such cases.
*Giving a safe haven to WWII Nazis and other fascists. AUSTRALIA is one of
the main destinations for fugitive war criminals because it gives them
political asylum. It has had a long-standing fascist movement of its own,
and many government officials in the current government are sympathetic to
right-wing ideology and organizing. For instance, the Ku Klux Klan has been
given a free hand to organize in Queensland state especially, and the
National Action movement, Pauline Hanson's "One Nation" Party and other
fascists are all flourishing, due to government and corporate support or
acquiescence, even when they engage in or incite acts of violence.

If the truth be told, Austrailian is an outlaw nation whose racial policies
are little different from apartheid South Africa, and we want to build an
international movement against its trade and tourism similar to the
anti-apartheid sanctions campaign. We call on all persons who believe in
human rights and oppose racism to join us in this protest campaign. We must
expose the racist Austrailian police state to the world and tarnish their
false image of democracy and tolerance.

                        WHAT IS BOYCOTT 2000?

Because of these and other actions by the Austrailian government, we call
for the creation of a Boycott 2000 Coalition to create a worldwide protest
against the Sydney Olympic Games and especially an economic boycott in
support of the Aboriginal inhabitants of the country. Because of a history
of similar racist repression in South Africa, the United States, and Europe
where white governments have engaged in racist and repressive actions
against non-white population groups, we especially call upon Black
communities all over the world to help us wage this fight, but we want all
anti-racist and human rights organizations to join us in an international
campaign against AUSTRALIA and especially an economic boycott in support of
the Aboriginal inhabitants of the country.

                                     WHAT CAN YOU DO?

1. Do not attend the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney, AUSTRALIA, and tell
everyone you know not to attend. Call on them to begin a tourist and trade
boycott of AUSTRALIA before and after the Olympics. In fact, advise your
church, club, union, college and other community institution about the
racist mistreatment of AUSTRALIAN Aborigines and get them to join the
economic boycott campaign.

2. Write letters of protest to the Austrailian government about its racist
and politically biased immigration policies, including the permanent banning
order against Lorenzo Komboa Ervin filed by Philip Ruddock, Minister of
Immigration, (to the Prime Minister below).

3. Don't use products made in AUSTRALIA such as Foster's beer, Quantas
airlines, etc. A full list of products and services will be posted later.

4. Write letters to the Austrailian government about its racist treatment of
Aborigines and Torres Island Straits people living in the country to:
                Mr. John Howard
                Prime Minister
                Parliament House
                Canberra ACT 2600
                e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

5. Begin a campaign in your county to convince Olympics team officials and
the government of your country not to send athletes or to participate in the
Austrailian Olympics in the year 2000.

6. Begin a sanctions campaign in your country to convince the government
authorities and business associations in your country to cut off all
military aid, trade and economic support, and other foreign aid to
AUSTRALIA until it recognizes the human rights of the Aboriginal people,
gives them reparations for centuries of abuse, and recognizes their title to
the land.

7. MAKE A DONATION to the Boycott 2000 Coalition. We will need money to
fight, for printing, copying, mailing, phone calling and a host of other
things. Your financial contribution is important:

                                 BOYCOTT 2000 CAMPAIGN
                                 Account # 202-39-84
                                 First Tennessee Bank
                                 701 Market Street
                                 Chattanooga, TN. 37402 (USA)

8. Reprint this article in your newsletter, newspaper, or internet newsgroup
to get the word out on the boycott. Write newspapers, call radio talk shows,
and television news departments as well.

9. If you would like a speaker to visit your college, community or your
country to talk about the boycott and international human rights, please
write to:

                                Lorenzo Komboa Ervin
                                Black Autonomy International
                                2014 Citico Avenue
                                Chattanooga, TN. 37404
                                e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] OR:
                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                (Boycott 200 Web site under construction).

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|\/\/\/|      Jim Duffield     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|   o o|   12 Hurrey Place BEECHBORO WA 6063 AUSTRALIA
C      _)
| ,____| "If the misery of our poor be caused not by the laws  
|    /   of nature, but by our institutions, great is our sin."
|   |     
         Charles Darwin - Voyage of the Beagle 

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