Dear Recoznet2 members,

I have been "lurking" on the list for several years, and during that 
time have moved from Australia back to Canada, my home. The 
similarities between issues concerning the rights of Aboriginal 
people in Canada and Australia are striking -- and often 
frightening -- as when governments in both nations refuse to comply 
with UN recomendations. 

I write the list now to personally request your support for an urgent 
campaign demanding an inquiry into the death of Dudley George, an unarmed Aboriginal 
man, Dudley George, was shot and 
killed by police during a peaceful land rights protest for the Stoney Point People
 (Aazhoodena Nishnaabegat) in 1995.  Until now, despite years of 
activism to demand,  a public inquiry has not been called. 
Recently, however, a UN Committee Committee on Human Rights expressed 
grave concern about the incident and strongly urged Canada to 
establish a public inquiry. 

I write to request your support by writing (simply forwarding the 
letter below) to the Prime Minister of Canada. We feel that 
international pressure is essential at this point in the 
Please forward the LETTER BELOW to him at [EMAIL PROTECTED] The 
letter can be adjusted and personalised if you wish, or sent as is. 
*** Please also Cc to Minister for Indian Affairs at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and to the Coalition for a Public Inquiry into 
the Death of Dudley George at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please don't 
forget to "sign" it and include a return address. 

There is also more detailed background information and updates on the 
campaign at

 I thank you personally for your support in this 
urgent and important matter.
 In solidarity,
Dr. Eva Mackey


To: Prime Minster Jean Chretien
House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A9

Dear Prime Minister,

 I write from overseas to express my concern about Canada's compliance
 with the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political
 Rights. As you are undoubtedly aware, an unarmed Aboriginal man,
 Dudley George, was shot and killed by Ontario Police at Ipperwash
 Provincial Park during a peaceful land rights demonstration on
 September 6, 1995.  Over a year ago, in March of 1999, the United
 Nations Committee on Human Rights expressed grave concern about the
 incident and strongly urged Canada to "establish a public inquiry
 into all aspects" of the Ipperwash matter, including "the role and
 responsibility of public officials." 

 Despite repeated calls for an inquiry by thousands of individuals and
 groups, the provincial Government of Ontario has failed to call an
 inquiry. However, it is the federal Government of Canada that has a
 fiduciary responsibility for Native people and for lands reserved for
 Native people in Canada. 

 I call on you as the Prime Minister to fulfil your obligations to the
 United Nations and to call a full inquiry. When clear-cut violations
 of civil and political rights go without investigation or sanction, a
 climate is created in which police and others believe they can
 mistreat Native people with impunity. With the recent escalation of
 violence against Native people and communities in Canada it is your
 responsibility to safeguard basic human rights of Aboriginal Peoples.
 Further, the land rights and governance issues of the Stoney Point
 People must be dealt with, so that such a tragedy will never happen

 Canada has an excellent reputation in the international arena
 regarding human rights. Such a reputation that would be badly
 tarnished if you, Mr. Prime Minister, failed to investigate the
 Ipperwash matter as proposed by the UN Committee. Such an inquiry is
 necessary in order to restore domestic and international confidence
 that Canadian governments are concerned with justice and democratic

I look forward to hearing from you regarding the specific actions you
will take to comply with the United Nations Committee on Human 
Rights' suggestions regarding a public inquiry into the death of 
Dudley George.

Yours sincerely,

Eva Mackey
Department of Sociology
Faculty of Arts, Vari Hall 
York University
Toronto ON Canada, M3J 1P3
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