
I don't know what the agenda is that Karen C. is running but I am
suspicious. There is a pattern in her early posts (I have been deleting them
for some time) which makes me think there is a deliberate attempt to divert
us from our primary reason to exist - Reconciliation. Her constant
justification of police intentions - especially in Queensland - and her
shifting of ground are all classical methods used to disrupt meaningful
debate. When I open my e-mail each morning I am confronted with post after
post headed with something to do with Karen C. In fact on a couple of
occasions I have noted that almost 50% of the posts are so orientated. The
conflict is also reflected in the nature of the genuine posts. By genuine I
mean those directed toward a meaningful understanding of Reconciliation and
mandatory imprisonment, the latter being an important component of the

I must say that I equate trying to get Karen C. to act constructively on
this subject with trying to convert Alan Jones, Bruce Ruxton, and Howard. To
quote Alan Ramsay, they can, 'together so unctuously grubby
about almost anything to do with Aborigines when they put their minds to

My partner Carolyn, when I was speaking of my frustration, told me about a
similar 'plant' on a world wide group which was discussing Vatican Policy
and to which she contributed. The outcome was that this group over a period
of weeks collapsed because of the conflict between those who wanted to be
seen to be 'democratic' and those who could see the consequences. The thread
of argument was completely lost in the noise thereby generated.

The thing that bugs me is that this woman has emerged just when we most need
all our energies to combat this current Government wave of destructive
statements and actions. Maybe they are operating a deliberate agenda to take
the heat off the GST, I don't know, but whatever, the plight of Aboriginal
Peoples is deteriorating and what are we doing, arguing about or with some

I recently suggested that we change the word 'imprisonment' for 'sentencing'
as suggested by Kep Enderby. In fact he gave a full paper on this subject
for which I gave the reference. Instead of a discussion on this point there
was total silence whilst everybody argued over how to chuck Karen C. out.

To me the raison d'etre of this group is to discuss Reconciliation and other
subjects that relate to this. Until we get back to that primary subject I
would ask you to remove me from the group. I don't have the time or the
inclination to persevere with this futile debate. This action pains me but I
find that what is going on is starting to affect me personally. I get rather
emotional about these people who mean so much to me and for whom I have such
fond memories yet have, and are, being treated so badly. There are other
groups on the internet that I think I would feel more at home with at the
moment. Until a few weeks ago I was proud to belong to this group. It was
constructive and meaningful. Unfortunately that woman has put finish to

Cheerio friends. If you manage to retain the group without that woman I will
be happy to rejoin and once more enter into the constructive debates that
have been a feature of the group.

Trudy, I am sorry about this for your sake. I am sorry that we have let this
situation occur despite all your best endeavours but I cannot stand by and
see this happen without some form of protest.

Ian Henderson                Murdoch University
24 Harfleur Place            Murdoch 6150
Hamilton Hill                   Tel: 61 8 94183972
Western Australia 6163   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
'Freedom is having nothing left to fear.'

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