What's that about ''supping with the devil"?

Howard is a master at twisting what is said at private meetings to suit his
own ends.


Laurie and Desley Forde   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-----Original Message-----
From: Trudy & Rod Bray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 3:41 PM
Subject: [recoznet2] ATSIC votes against PM dinner boycott

>ATSIC votes against PM dinner boycott
>  Source: AAP | Published: Tuesday April 11, 2:03 PM
>  A heated meeting of ATSIC commissioners voted against boycotting a
>dinner with Prime Minister John Howard at
>  The Lodge tonight.
>  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission deputy chairman Ray
>Robinson said he put a resolution to a
>  meeting of the 18 commissioners today that all or none of them would
>attend the dinner.
>  The commissioners voted unanimously to accept the prime minister's
>  'There was plenty of argument against going because of mandatory
>sentencing, reconciliation, the stolen
>  generation and CERD (United Nations Committee on the Elimination of
>Racial Discrimination),' Mr Robinson said.
>  'I put the resolution that we should all go as the elected arm of the
>Aboriginal people because its a prime opportunity
>  to tell the prime minister exactly how we feel on these issues.
>  'If nothing changes as a result of that, then at least no one can say
>we didn't try.'
>  Tonight is the first dinner invitation Mr Howard has extended to ATSIC
>commissioners since he became prime
>  minister in 1996.
>  Mr Robinson said the prime minister first gave the invitation when he
>met commissioners during their last board
>  meeting in Canberra a month ago.
>  But the dinner was only officially confirmed last week, after the
>government came under fire for denying a
>  generation of Aboriginal children was stolen under past assimilation
>  Mr Robinson said commissioners also would tell the prime minister
>tonight that they would support protests during
>  the Sydney Olympics, but only peaceful demonstrations.
>Truth is a pathless land. --- Krishnamurti
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