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>I will celebrate May Day in Dili at the invitation of the newly independent
>East Timorese community.
>This is a great opportunity for ATSIC, the national organisation of
>Indigenous Australians, to demonstrate solidarity with the East Timorese
>peoples fight for self-determination.  I am promoting a 'peoples to
>relationship, where we can establish dialogue as neighbours with shared
>The Indigenous peoples of Australia and the East Timorese have traditional
>links which pre-date white settlement of Australia.  Our cultural
>relationship still continues.  Aboriginal groups in the Northern Territory
>including ATSIC offices are already offering assistance to the newly
>emerging nation of East Timor.
>There are many issues of common ground between the East Timorese and
>Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, particularly the fight for
>self-determination, encompassing the challenges of overcoming unemployment,
>poor health and inadequate housing.
>Self determination for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is an
>issue which is not readily acknowledged by most Australians, but it is
>central to our argument to develop in our own way and at our own pace. (see
>attached ATSIC Issues Sheet)
>The East Timorese, like us, face continuing struggles to win cultural, land
>and economic independence.
>Both of our peoples share significant economic challenges of the present
>the future, such as outrageously high levels of unemployment.
>In Australia our unemployment rate is more than 50 per cent, including our
>people on the "work for the dole" Community Development Employment
>More than 90 per cent of East Timorese workers are without jobs following
>the devastation left by the Indonesian forces of occupation.
>In exercising self-determination, Indigenous representatives in East Timor
>and Australia are acutely aware of the links between economic reform and
>human rights outcomes such as, for example, the urgent need to create
>substantially more jobs to enable social development.
>They are also aware of how our peoples are prone to exploitation by
>foreign-owned companies.
>This is why we must encourage workers and the poor to organise through
>unions and their political structures.  Our peoples must be given
>to overcome oppression and seclusion.
>For many years the East Timorese and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
>peoples have been waging their struggles in parallel but in isolation.  It
>is my intention to forge closer links, as peoples, so that we can share and
>benefit from our experiences and knowledge for the challenges ahead.
>There is no more fitting day than May Day - an international celebration of
>working people's achievements - to take the first steps in this shared
>Geoff Clark
>ATSIC Chairman
>30 April 2000
>     Further information: Francine Chinn (In Dili) 0419 819 025
> ATSIC NT Office of Public Affairs
> (Note:  Dili is two hours behind AEST)
>ATSIC and Self-determination
>ATSIC's vision is of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and
>communities freely exercising our legal, economic, social cultural and
>political rights.
>Our vision was formulated following widespread consultation with Indigenous
>The ATSIC Act provides a structure to enable Indigenous communities,
>their elected representatives, to make decisions about programs and
>for their social, economic and cultural advancement at both the national
>regional levels.
>Since 1972 the policy of self-determination for Indigenous peoples has had
>widespread acceptance in Australia.
>This policy followed the earlier policies of Extermination, Protection and
>In 1990 the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Aboriginal
>Affairs defined self-determination as:
> Aboriginal control over the decision-making process as well
>as control over the ultimate decision about a wide range of matters
>including political status, and economic, social and cultural development.
>It means Aboriginal people having the resources and the capacity to control
>the future of their own communities within the legal structure common to
>In 1991 the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody recommended
> governments negotiate with appropriate Aboriginal
>organisations and communities to determine guidelines as to the procedures
>and processes which should be followed to ensure that the
>principle is applied in the design and implementation of any policy or
>program or the substantial modification of any policy or program which will
>substantially affect Aboriginal people.
>This recommendation was accepted by the Commonwealth and all State and
>Territory Governments.
>The Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs now
>a policy of 'self empowerment'.  It differs, he says, from
>self-determination in that "it is a means to an end...rather than an end in
>This policy was announced by the Minister without any consultation with the
>elected representatives of Indigenous peoples.
> It does not have the support of Indigenous peoples.
>In late July 1998 it was reported that Cabinet had decided to downgrade
>Australian support for the language of 'self-determination' in the United
>Nations Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to that of
>'self management'.
>This decision was taken without any consultation with Indigenous peoples.
>ATSIC is strongly opposed to this policy change because it denies
>peoples a fundamental right which is enjoyed by all other peoples.  ATSIC
>remains committed to the principles of the Draft Declaration on the Rights
>of Indigenous Peoples.
>Self-determination is recognised in International Law in Articles 1 of the
>International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the
>International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR),
>both of which Australia is a signatory to:
> All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue
>of that right they freely determine their political status and freely
>their economic social and cultural development.
>ATSIC's "social justice package" submission in 1995 in part states:
> There is no right more fundamental for Indigenous people
>than that of self-determination. It is central to addressing the general
>disadvantage and oppressed condition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait
>Islander peoples. It underlies the establishment, the functions and the
>operations of ATSIC and the Regional Councils. ... the right of
>self-determination underpins a variety of broader goals and objectives,
> * an entitlement to land and compensation for
> * recognition of customary law;
> * the reassertion and development of community self
> * the negotiation of flexible forms of self
> * the negotiation of involvement in Commonwealth,
>State/Territory and local Government policy, planning and service delivery;
> * the development of an Indigenous economic base;
> * sharing in the mineral and other resources of the
> * collective rights in relation to the protection of
>sites and cultural property;
> * the authority to negotiate a treaty or document of
>In summary, in his first annual report as the former Aboriginal and Torres
>Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, Mick Dodson stated:
> [T]he crucial importance of self-determination to Aboriginal
>and Torres Strait Islander peoples is little appreciated by non-indigenous
>Australians. Correctly understood, every issue concerning the historical
>present status, entitlements, treatment and aspirations of Aboriginal and
>Torres Strait Islander peoples is implicated in the concept of
>self-determination. The reason for this lies in the fact that
>self-determination is a process. The right of self-determination is a right
>to make decisions. These decisions affect the enjoyment and exercise of the
>full range of freedoms and human rights of indigenous peoples.
>ATSIC will continue to advocate on behalf of all Indigenous peoples in
>Australia for the right to be self-determining and will resist any return
>the paternalistic policies of the past which have been the direct cause of
>the decimation of our communities.

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