This is, in part, why I have problems with reconciliation, apart from it 
being a process in the christian church that therefore has such a clear 
theologically colonist and imperialist basis.  This when Chika Dixon so 
clearly put it - Re-Conned-Silly-Nation.

The authors critique past practice using a term like "part-Aboriginal" and 
"race."  Which part is not Aboriginal?  Who is not of the human race?

This, when the text subject to critique uses such equally abhorrent terms 
as "half-caste."

  But the case brought to light hundreds of documents which confirm that
  removal of part-Aboriginal children, on the basis of their race alone,
  was Government policy in the Northern Territory at least until the early
  1950s.  F H Moy, Director of Native Affairs,  wrote in 1950: 'It is the   
  policy of this Branch to remove the children from their native mothers as 
  soon after birth as is reasonably possible. However, this is not always   
  possible.  Half-caste births are sometimes not known for some years   
(especially if) the mother takes the child 'bush'.'

Rev Dr John Brown, Co-chair; Ms Audrey Kinnear, Co-chair
National Sorry Day Committee                    12 October 2000
Tel 02 6281 0940 or 02 6232 4554

Oh dear, the education process continues, even of Reverend Doctors....

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