Title: Old white men vote in George Bush
These figures do not indicate racism.
How do you think it shows racism??
Just because a certain percentage of 'white' people vote for Bush does not mean it is based on racism. Pehaps it's because they are Pro-Lifers or just old fogies who hate change in Government and like Bush's daddy when he ran the country years ago.
So from what you are saying - Does this mean that African-Americans are racist because 90% voted for Gore!?!?
People making something out of these figures are turning it into a race issue, not the voters.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Laurie Forde
Sent: Thursday, 9 November 2000 10:15 AM
Subject: Re: [recoznet2] Old white men vote in George Bush

Very enlightening figures, Rod.
On the huge disparity between the white male vote and the vote of non-white Americans, racism among American white males apppears to be the issue that basically decides elections in the U.S.
Australia has a habit of trailing along behind America in all things----forget the economics, race is the issue of the future-----Howard is on the right track to remain in power and continue his racist policies if he is not seriously challenged on the issue.
This Howard approach of saying " don't bring race into it " works in the favour of those covertly promoting racism in the community----race has hardly been mentioned as an issue in the American election, yet look at the figures---it is there alright.
The only way to prevent racism deciding the election  in Australia is to attack racist statements and those who make them, not back away in fear of creating a political "backlash" from racists ----the 'backlash" is already there and must be discredited, not ignored.
Laurie and Desley Forde
Without a treaty, which spells out the obligations and rights of both parties, there can be no Reconciliation in Australia----Geoff Clark.

----- Original Message -----
From: Rod Hagen
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 5:45 PM
Subject: [recoznet2] Old white men vote in George Bush

Bush has been elected as the next president of the US. As the following exit poll figures indicate this is largely a victory won on the votes of the White American male:

Race by Sex     All     Gore    Bush    Buchanan        Nader
White Males     48 %    36 %    60 %    0 %                      3 %
White Females
       52 %    48 %    49 %    0 %                      2 %

Vote by Race    All     Gore    Bush    Buchanan        Nader
White           81 %    42 %    54 %    0 %             3 %
African-American10 %    90 %    8 %     0 %                    1 %
Hispanic                7 %     62 %    34 %    1 %             2 %
                2 %     55 %    41 %    1 %             3 %
                1 %     56 %    38 %    0 %             4 %

There is also little doubt that Nader's green party (supported by 1% of black Americans) cost Gore the presidency. (sorry if the figures don't come out in the right columns on everyone's computers)

Rod Hagen
Hurstbridge, Victoria, Australia
WWW    http://www.netspace.net.au/~rodhagen

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