Jason - nice summary.
One additional point: when you say
"His arguments
>are a plea to find new - perhaps even old tradional ways - of combating the
>'confusiojn-producing mechanisms of the contemporary social and economic
>order" I don't think there is any "perhaps" about it. 
He IS looking for a reinvigoration of traditional ways.  He writes: "Resilience and the strength of our values and relationships were not just
features of our pre-colonial classical society (which we understandably
hearken back to) - our ancestors actually managed to retain these values and
relationships despite all of the hardships and assaults of our colonial
history.  Indeed it is a testament to the achievements of our grandparents
that these values and relationships secured our survival as a people and
indeed our grandparents had struggled heroically to keep us alive as a
people, and to rebuild and defend our families in the teeth of a sustained
and vicious maltreatment by white Australian society." 
And then: : "The truth is that,
at least in the communities that I know in Cape York Peninsula, the real
need is for the restoration of social order and the
enforcement of law.  That is what is needed."
Not only is he NOT denying the root causes ("a sustained
and vicious maltreatment by white Australian society") he is looking for a very unwhite solution.

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