The Canberra Times
Jan 28, 2002

Coat of arms taken from Old House

 A stand-off developed between police and indigenous leaders at the Aboriginal
 Embassy yesterday after protesters seized the coat of arms from Old Parliament

 Embassy elder Kevin Buzzacott said the kangaroo and emu were sacred images for
 indigenous people and demanded the animals' removal from national emblems.

 A contingent of police were called in but appeared reluctant to make any
arrests or
 retrieve the crest which was taken from the pillar opposite the King George
 and placed near the embassy's fire.

 More than 100 people had gathered at the Aboriginal Tent Embassy to mark its
 anniversary when the coat of arms was taken.

 National Capital Authority promotion director Jeremy Lasek said it was
 but the NCA, parliamentary precinct landlord, would be guided by the police.

 An ACT police spokesman said investigations would continue but police had not
 any charges at this stage.

 Several police were on stand-by at the site but did not expect any trouble.

 Mr Buzzacott said it was a peaceful protest to urge all Australians to respect
Aboriginal laws and customs.

 He called on Prime Minister John Howard, Governor-General Peter Hollingworth
and the Australian Federal Police
 hierarchy to sit down with indigenous leaders and discuss the "violation of
natural law".

 "We have never consented to the theft and use of our sacred emu and kangaroo,"
he said.

 "Just as you have stolen our lands and violated our sacred laws, you have also
stolen our sacred images to support your
 colonising enterprise."

 A spokesman for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs Minister Philip
Ruddock said it was a stunt and "not
 worth commenting on".

 Mr Buzzacott said police officers, court officials, parliamentarians and other
government agencies which had worked
 towards indigenous people's genocide and dispossession of land had used the
images in emblems.

 He made a direct plea to Queen Elizabeth II to order the animals' removal from

 "Our sacred animals have been displayed publicly in a number of your colonial
institutions and are used in a manner that
 is both offensive and oppressive. . . We demand that you order the removal of
our sacred images from further use by
 your representative colonial agents in Australia - respect our laws and

"The power of accurate observation is commonly call cynicism 
by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw

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