Congratulations Tony!

Contained in Tony's posting to the group is one of the best elucidations of
the nut of the problem facing meaningful empowerment of Indigenous
Australians in Australia. I urge all subscribers to study it carefully.

Well done Tony. 

No member, of what some like to call 'First People', is morally entitled to
make decisions concerning another people's land without consultation and
agreement with the Traditional owners of that land. The extinguishment of
Native Title by a Land Council that is not representative of Traditional
Owners (and very, very few are) should be seen for what it is, a betrayal of
the principles of self determination and recognition of sovereignty. It is
worse than when a white government organisation or big mining company
extinguishes, because it is blackfellers doing it to their people (not for
their people). Have no doubt, the Native Police are alive and well, and are
prospering at the expense of their brothers and sisters.

ATSIC and Land Councils (in NSW and NT)are white bureaucratic constructs
that have failed miserably to help any but a handful of Indigenous
Australians. The fact that in NSW the Native Title Unit was attached to
State Land Council (under Aden Ridgeway), the Indigenous organisation with
most to lose from the success of Native Title should demonstrate with what
cynicism the system has been constructed.

The problem is that any Indigenous person can join a land council and have
full voting rights and out vote tradition owners in their own lands. Many
people refuse to enrol in ATSIC or join land councils for this reason and
because they are white constructs purporting to be democratic, but
Indigenous cultural decision making does not conform to democratic models
and it is another act of colonialism by government to impose them from above
and expect them to be successful. They were set up to fail.


But, Trudy, these aren't First People.  This is Darkinjung Local Aboriginal 
Land Council, and it stands on a postage stamp of Britannic Majesty called 
the NSW Land Rights Act 1983.  The blackfellers making these decisions have 
no more right to be here than Her Majesty the Queen.  Last Sunday night, I 
spoke to one of the "native title" or "common law" owners, as  the people 
of this country (and all the other countries on this continent) are now 
relabelled by the white law for the convenience of  those who wish to 
continue expropriating their lands.  He was not even aware of what the Land 
Council had done.

And what they are doing, make no bones about it, is deliberately and 
consciously extinguishing someone else's "native title".

Deliberately and consciously.  Not through ignorance.

They know exactly what they are doing.  Last year someone sent me a couple 
of old (early 2000, I think) letters from the Koori Mail.  In one of these 
letters, the then Chairperson, Keith Gleeson, attempted to justify the Land 
Council's applying to extinguish native title, claiming the support of 
descendants who were members of the Land Council.  The land in that case 
was somewhere in Gosford, it was not this land at North Entrance.
"The Land Council threatened us.  They said they were going to take us on, 
that's why we dropped off, and no, none of our family has agreed to the 
Land Council applying to extinguish native title.  'We will take you ALL 
THE WAY,' they said.  'We are not going to be coming to you for land.' "
was the reason for not proceeding given to me by a member of the family who 
lodged the first NT claim in this country.  He wouldn't tell me who made 
the threat.

Now that's just not good enough, either.  Self respect at least demands 
that you have a go, even if legal assistance is likely to be virtually 
nil.  (The NSW State Land Council has control of funding these legal claims 
under the Native Title Act, and Darkinjung has inside running at the 
highest level in NSWALC).

Later in 2000, staff at the University of Newcastle started researching the 
old people of this area at the Ourimbah campus.  "Which families?"  I 
naturally asked.  "None," Prof Nerida Blair said. The research did not 
start with living descendants, because "there are no known 
descendants.  The original people have all died out," I was emphatically 
told.  When she then named those who had instigated the project (members of 
the Land Council opposed to native title),  I thought it was an interesting 
turnaround from Keith Gleeson's earlier position.  But strategically, it 
was the sort of proposition Western Mining Corp would also start from if 
they were on their way to the Federal Court too.

Darkinjung is not alone doing this.  Across the border, the Darug 
descendants [western Sydney region up to Blue Mountains] are right now 
being forced to a full bench hearing in the Federal Court by the members of 
Her Majesty's Deerubbin LALC.

What this crystallises is that welfare mentality blackfellers have now been 
moved into the front line by the coloniser to take the place of the native 
police and the soft white hands that took the children away.  The  pillars 
of institutionalised racism in NSW are no longer so-called Protection Acts, 
but so-called Land Rights and Native Title Acts, but you will need to step 
through the looking glass out here into the civilised world to see it.

The 1983 NSW ALR Act  is based on the racist myth of "crown land" which is 
graciously granted by Her Majesty's Government to special members of 
something called "the Aboriginal race".  What makes these people special is 
that they had joined something called a "local land council", which was 
specially created under the Act for the purpose of receiving this racist 
patronage.  These land councils in NSW are a colonial construct.  They are 
no more indigenous than Her Majesty the Queen, whatever their members may 
say to the contrary.

The existence and concepts of  Darkinong, Guringai, Wonaruah, Wiradjuri, 
etc. law are completely at odds with the spiritual foundation of the 1983 
NSW Land Rights Act -- terra nullius, the legal doctrine of racial and /or 
cultural inferiority. Indeed it is Darkinong, Guringai, Wonaruah, Wiradjuri 
etc. land that is being given away by the Crown under the Land Rights Act 
as if it owned it.

That this was racist was recognised here in NSW  by at least a few of us, 
and it was to be put to the test in the High Court in 1993 using Mabo 1 as 
a precedent.  Soon after Eddie started his historic case, the Queensland 
parliament put through the Queensland Coast Islands Declaratory Act "to 
remove doubt"  that if the Torres St Islands did not become Crown Land when 
first annexed in 1879, the Act declared the lands expropriated 
retrospective to 1879, with no compensation payable.  Bjeke-Petersen gave 
Eddie the middle finger, and the government amended Queensland's defence 
accordingly, relying on the new Act.  Eddie then had to attack the new Act 
first.  By a narrow 4:3 majority, the High Court declared the Act invalid 
under the Federal Racial Discrimination Act.

Sadly, the application for Isobel Coe on behalf of the Wiradjuri Tribe four 
years later was a bloated, overblown, bloody mess.  Paul Coe's only 
opportunity to launch his threatened devastating attack on white law title 
to a lot of bacikyards in NSW was by using a narrowly focussed and 
carefully argued  attack on the 1983 Validation of Revocations Act.  There 
was no need to attack its twin sister, the Aboriginal Land Rights Act at 
that time.  But attack it they did, and a whole lot more as well.  It 
frightened Aden Ridgeway, who sent his bureaucrats all over the State to 
persuade Local Land Council members not to lodge NT claims with Coe's 
Aboriginal Legal Service

Annette Kennedy  carried Aden's torch to Darkinjung.  "Because they are 
trying to close down the land councils," she said.  I was there.
Any concepts of indigenous law now in the ALR Act are only an awkward 
ill-fitting bolt-on since Mabo 2 in 1992.

  in and
At 11:35 AM 4/02/2002 +1000, Trudy wrote:
>In Vancouver, First Nations people lease out their land on a
>longterm, 99 year lease. This provides them with a large cash
>settlement, rent, and their land isn't lost to them. It might be
>something for First Peoples to consider here. --- Trudy
>The Sydney Morning Herald
>Life-saving dollars roll in for land council
>Date: 04/02/2002
>By Debra Jopson
>An Aboriginal land council has voted to sell 101 hectares of prime
>beachfront on the Central Coast for millions of dollars to a developer
>planning a golf course resort.
>"It's like winning Lotto," said David Pross, chairman of the
>Darkinjung Aboriginal Land Council. "We have to really think hard
>what to do with the money."
>As negotiations are about to begin with the winning tenderer,
>Mirvac, this week, Mr Pross refused to reveal the sale price, but
>the Herald
>understands that it is between $30 million and $50 million.
>Most of the site, which fronts more than one kilometre of beach
>from North Entrance to Tuggerah, is a former rutile mine and was
>secured in a land claim in 1993. Another 10 hectares, successfully
>claimed in 1995, was the old town tip.
>Mirvac plans a "first-class integrated tourist resort and residential
>complex" with an 18-hole public golf course, says the land council.
>The council's executive - which stipulated that the developer must
>build a surf club on Tuggerah Beach and an Aboriginal cultural
>as part of any deal - had long believed that turning the land into
>dollars rather than living on it would most benefit its 600 members.
>"We knew this could be the best tourist spot on the Central
>Coast," said Mr Pross. "Why put 200 houses there?"
>The land council's treasurer, Mr Roger Sentance, said it planned to
>plough the money into "HEHE" - health, education, housing,
>employment. Mr Pross said: "The Prime Minister is always talking
>about 'HEHE', but not doing anything for us. Now we can really help
>Housing is a priority because "we'd be lucky if 50 of our members
>own their own houses".
>The money would also be used to give Aboriginal youths a brighter
>future and try to stem the high suicide rate.
>Four youngsters killed themselves last year "and that's a high rate
>in a community of 600," said Mr Pross.
>With only $110,000 annual income from the State Government, the
>land council had felt powerless to address the social problems.
>The council had borrowed $600,000 to prepare the site for sale,
>including environmental impact statements and reports on the
>archeology and flora and fauna. Aboriginal middens and the original
>bush had been destroyed, Mr Sentance said.
>Interest from developers was strong. One had flown the British
>golfer Nick Faldo over the site to assess its potential as a top golf
>The sale will make the Darkinjung Aboriginal Land Council one of
>the Central Coast's biggest enterprises, Mr Pross said. "And it's
>just a
>The council hopes to turn three more of its 33 parcels of land into
>money-spinners - but in joint ventures.
>The Entrance town centre manager, Peter Clough, yesterday
>welcomed the golf resort plan, saying it would create jobs and
>boost the
>local economy.
>However, the director of the Total Environment Centre, Jeff Angel,
>said there were tough laws governing beachfront development.
>"The developer should understand he will have a fight on his hands
>if he breaches coastal protection policies."
>This material is subject to copyright and any unauthorised use,
>copying or mirroring is prohibited.
>This posting is provided to the individual members of this  group without
>permission from the copyright owner for purposes  of criticism, comment,
>scholarship and research under the "fair use" provisions of the Federal
>copyright laws and it may not be distributed further without permission of
>the copyright owner, except for "fair use."

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